Spirituality is in regards to the relationship we have with our inner self and how we deal with everyday work situations. We often will associate this with other religions but its not about that. John Milliman, Andrew J. Czaplewski and Jeffery Ferguson has written a paper based on an emperical study into this matter and I am just interested on people's perceptions in general on this. http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
Imam Ali said: The "kingdom" or the metaphysical universe means "attention from the appearance to the hidden".
Paying attention to spirituality means paying attention to the disappearing depths of phenomena.
In the Qur'an: At the end of the "Surah Yasin," God reminds us: "The kingdom of heaven is a measure of God, and we will all return to Him"
Spirituality means knowing before every phenomenon, with any phenomenon, after that, God has been and will be.
We are from God and we return to him, and we must return with "Sound Hearts". This view gives meaning to our lives and motivates us in our work. Because we are trying to satisfy God, our relationship with people and colleagues, with Himself, with the environment and the world of nature, takes "God's color".
Spirituality sanctifies our work. No attempt at God's merciful look is hidden and not forgotten. By spirituality, our work is God's worship.
In North America, there are two varying traditions about the presence of chaplains in the workplace.
The original tradition was an ecumenical/interfaith approach (similar to the approach of North American Chaplains in public hospitals) which has morphed into a focus on providing spiritual support - i.e. support that enables the care-receiver to maximize their personal religion/spirituality.
More recently, conservative Christian approaches to workplace chaplaincy have had a more specifically Christian "discipling" focus.
Aghakhani, N., Vahabzadeh, D., Niroomand, S., Asgarlou, Z., & Zaravar, F. (2018). The relationship between spiritual wellbeing, anxiety and depression in old adults: A cross sectional study of Shiraz Clinics, Iran. World Fam Med, 16(3), 69-72. doi: 10.5742/MEWFM.2018.93315
Breitbart, W. (2002). Spirituality and meaning in supportive care: Spirituality- and meaning-centered group psychotherapy interventions in advanced cancer. Support Care Cancer, 10, 272–280.
Dezutter, J ., Casalin, S., Wachholtz, A., Luyckx, K., Hekking, J., & Vandewiele, W. (2013). Meaning in life, an important factor for the psychological well-being of chronically ill patients? Rehabil Psychol, 58(4), 334–341. doi: 10.1037/a0034393
Elham, H., Hazrati, M., Momennasab, M., & Sareh, K. (2015). The effect of need-based spiritual/religious intervention on spiritual well-being and anxiety of elderly people. Holist Nurs Pract, 29(3), 136-43. doi: 10.1097/HNP.0000000000000083
Thune-Boyle, I. C., Stygall, J. A., Keshtgar, M. R., & Newman, S. P. (2006). Do religious/spiritual coping strategies affect illness adjustment in patients with cancer? A systematic review of the literature. Soc Sci Med, 63(1), 151-164.
Workplace spirituality includes many aspects like meaningful work, sense of community, and organizational value. Workplace spirituality is intended to interconnect past experiences and develop trust among employees in a way that would lead the organization into a better and productive environment
One of my experiences with spirituality in the workplace: a friendly but vapid secretary who regarded the Bible as if it had been composed in English. When I tried to explain to her that there were some issues with interpretation and translation, she smiled sadly out of concern for my salvation, and because of my inability to see what to her was as clear as day, and remarked, "my brother-in-law talks just like you", thereby relegating me to a category of intimates who needed to be mentioned in her prayers. She was a good secretary who was conscientious and efficient, no doubt because her spirituality imbued her with what was literally a work ethic.
“The level of workplace spirituality and work engagement
were found to be higher in organizations that offer meditation courses
than in those that do not. Additionally, mindfulness meditation has
a statistically significant relationship with workplace spirituality and
work engagement, and workplace spirituality fully meditates the
relationship between meditation and work engagement.”
Petchsawang, P., & McLean, G. N. (2017). Workplace spirituality, mindfulness meditation, and work engagement. Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion, 14(3), 216-244.
I feel that spirituality is related to our inner self, our soul, our values and how calmly and wisely we deal with ourself, others and situations which we face at our work place. It can relate to honesty, rational decisions by being positive, how strongly we believe ourselves and others, trust , helpful nature, learning attitude, being polite, not giving up in any situation , avoiding quarrels, thinking of well being of others as well as ourselves.
Spirituality in the workplace is often viewed in absence of religion and this is not an accurate description of the way an employee feels. If an employee is religious that identity cant be separated from him. This an integrated view is required which takes into account all types of spiritualisties an employee may have
I believe spirituality at the workplace from my experience during my phd gave me the idea that some individuals strongly believe that the reason despite the work pressure and balancing personal life and facing any other challenge was primarily due to the belief of a higher power which in turn translated to giving them the confidence and strength to keep going no matter what. I think there is a need to distinguish it between individual and organisational level