I tried to bind urea with my hydroxyapatite, but XRD does not confirm it (peaks for urea was not found in the urea-HAp ) nanohybrid.
I tried to sonicate the HAP dispersion using a bath type, should I use a probe-type sonicator in dispersing the Hap instead?
Or should I adjust the urea-Hap loading of my sample?
Or was the urea solution not saturated enough before adding Hap?
The methodology is as follows:
Urea-HA nanohybrids will be synthesized following (Kottegoda et at., 2011) using a wet chemical method.
Scale up: 25g:150g = 1:6 urea to Hap loading
Scale down: 5 g: 30 g =1:6 urea to Hap loading