14 June 2024 6 6K Report

Trouble 1: I ran a PCR reaction and found a low molecular weight band (100 bp) when doing electrophoresis. 1ng plasmid (OD260/280=1.84) was used as template. Final concentration of primers was 0.2uM. I thought that band might be primer dimer. So I ran primer solutions on a gel again without PCR, but i can still see the band. Everything was newly prepared. Length of each primer is 20bp.

Trouble 2: ddH2O was used as negative control but an obvious band (with my target size-1100bp) can be seen. So I ran water directly without PCR and there was nothing on the gel. I freshly prepared water and did PCR again and the 1100bp band appeared again.

How could the above happen? What should I do?

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