Hey All,

So the goal of my latest set of experiments is to successfully extract great quality RNA from 1x10^6 cells (monocytes (THP-1) and macrophages(BAL washing's) using TRIzol Reagent for downstream qPCR.

I've struggled to get a concentration greater than 180ng/ul RNA eluted in 25ul.

Worse, more often than not I'm observing concentrations in the range of 60-70 ng/ul in 25ul which decreases a lot after DNase treatment (1/3 sometimes).

The protocol I have been using is as follows;

1) Remove media, wash cells and add 500ul TRIzol

2) Incubate for 5min at RT on 24 well plate, and then remove to new 1.5ml epi. I generally store down at -80C at this point and thaw on ice later.

3) After thawing sample, I then add 100ul fresh chloroform and shake hard by hand for 12-15 secs and  incubate at RT for 3min

4) Spin 12000g 15min at 4C

5) Remove +-220ul aqueous phase to a new tube

6) Add 250ul 100% 2-propanol (generally use it at -20C)

7) Incubate samples for +-20 hours at -20C

8) Spin 12000g 20min at 4C, and discard supernatant

9) Add 500ul of 75% ethanol (RT), flick tube washing the sides

10) Spin 7500g 5min at 4C, discard supernatant

11) **Second ethanol wash (100%) - to improve A260/A280 ratio

12) Repeat step 10

13) Carefully remove supernatant

14) Air dry for 10min, or till pellet is dry

15) Elute in 25ul DEPC H20

16) Nanodrop

17)DNase Treat and nanodrop once more.

18) RNA stored at -80C

All reagents are made up fresh, or in DEPC water. Generally A260/A280 ratios range from 1.80-2.05.

Does the temperature of the reagents (other than TRIzol) matter?

Should I be adding any other steps which have helped you?

It seems a longer 2-propanol precipitation step at -20C is common (rather than the 10min precipitation at RT), but does this really make a difference?

In terms of disposables, I use new RNase free filtered tips  and I've been wiping down all surfaces and pipettes with 10% bleach (NaOCl).

Thanks in advance!

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