If a switch, say SiC or Si Mosfet is to be used in a converter where they are common to two independent operating modes of the converter, where it is once in a mode to carry higher current and at other times it will operate in lighter load in another operating mode.
Control in both modes is different.
So, here I need these common switches to be of the same voltage 600 V, higher current carrying mode current rating = 100 A and lower current carrying mode required current-carrying capacity= 15 A. So I have to use a switch of 600V, 100 A, but it will be underutilization in the low current-carrying mode. So, the Gate drive voltage would be the same, and on-state resistance will also not get affected, expecting the losses would not get differ from the case when a low rated switch of 15 A is used.
I want to know what are the compromisation that will be faced in the lighter load operation of the higher-rated switches used. Is there any effect of higher parasitic values? I want to collect some points to understand it better.