Plasma and other blood component collection can be influenced by different co-factors that could contribute to inferences in biochemical assays. Hemolysis, Icterus, and hyperlipidemia for example can interfere with colorimetric and turbidimetric assays (Farell et al, 2016; Lippi et al, 2018). With regards to this, is there any methods/protocols that can be utilized in the laboratory to prevent these interferences?


Farrell CJ, Carter AC. Serum indices: managing assay interference. Ann Clin Biochem. 2016;53(5):527–38.

Lippi G, Cadamuro J, Danese E, Gelati M, Montagnana M, von Meyer A, et al. Internal quality assurance of HIL indices on Roche Cobas c702. PLoS One. 2018;13(7):e0200088.

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