I have run qPCRs with my samples already. Originally I wanted to go for the standard curve method for data analysis but it turned out, that I had a problem with plasmid standard degradation (slowly increasing Ct-values over the time) so I can't use the standard curve method. On the other hand the efficiencies of my target genes (5 genes) and my reference genes (I tried 7 and selected 2) are not the same, so I can't use ddCT method neither. That's why I searched for alternative methods and will now probably go for the LinRegPCR method by Ruijters et al, 2009 (and Ramakers et al, 2003). I will calculate efficiencies for each individual sample with their software, take the mean efficiency and calculate starting fluorescence values directly from that, so I can do relative quantification. What are your experiences with this method?

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