Dear Abaqus users,

have any of you ever wondered about the calculation or the units of NFLUX Abaqus output? I have been executing a coupled temperature-displacement simulation for an isotropic material in form of a thin wire. While I provide a constant body flux heat (HBF) to a two node truss element I notice a "delay" in temperature elevation as seen in the following figure.

My first though is that this "delay" is caused by conduction, thus I requested the NFLUX output, which is described as "Fluxes at the nodes of the element caused by the heat conduction or mass diffusion in the element (internal fluxes)" in the Abaqus manual. Nevertheless, I cannot address how it is calculated or how I can change its effect (I tried to set conductivity to 0, but I received the same response).

Any thoughts/suggestions would be really helpful and more than welcome.

Thank you,


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