Communicate to all employees what you want to change and its benefits; show that it helps all employees and does not harm them in terms of power and authority; and show integrity on what you are doing.
We need scholars like you to publish and share with the world. Visit Submit an article to the Journal "Select Creative Genius- a journal registered with the British Library. "- Dr C. F. Ifeta
We need scholars like you to publish and share with the world. Visit Submit an article to the Journal "Select Creative Genius- a journal registered with the British Library. "- Dr C. F. Ifeta
Perhaps one of the most important is the restoration of trust, if there are internal conflicts. Transparency in communication, clear communication re: reasons for change that internalise improvement rather than use comparative success of competitors and allowing 'voice' to those affected. A history of ability in change processes certainly adds to the building (and maintenance) of trust.
1. Clarity and clear communication about Business Goals /motivation for the change
2. Plans to deal with Impact on Stakeholders - particulalry those affected negatively by the Change and Open and transeperant Engagement with such Stakeholders
3. Clear Understanding about the transition path leading to the change
In any organisation, a change is always vehemently opposed. For a successful change to be implemented. The vision and the change imperative should be casaded down from the strategic management.Top brass needs to take the lead along with the support functions. The necessity to do so is to create trust among employees regarding the change. The change process should never be discussed or implemented in isolation. It should be communicated among employees at all levels with the stress on positive outcomes to be followed. Closed door policy by the top management, regarding the issues related to change must not be adopted.........
Once you have honestly identified what needs to be changed, how and when, you need following to see the successful change management happening.
1. Empathetic and unflinching support of top management for the identified change with 'people first' attitude.
2. Change is like raising a kid ... slow, painstaking, rewarding and consistent ... You need to nurture the change and keep moving forward ... manageable bites!
3. Un-obstructed, employee focused and honest face to face two way communication. Embracing Change should be made part of culture and consistently demonstrated by the top management.
I agree with Jaharkanti Dattagupta. Similarly, the three most important considerations that should be prioritised in order to ensure the successful management of change in organizations are mission, vision, and goal. All matters in the organization including impact of change and response to change will always emerge from mission, vision, and goal.
For change to be materialized, there must be a clear vision what change is expected to be achieved; Communicate the vision to all the members making clear that changes prove to be good for the organization; and implement with key proactive human resources who are determined to institutionalize the change process. It is always hard to get the full support from all members about the change because of individuals' win and loss situation through the change programs.
I would argue that a clear vision could be setting you up for failure, I.e change introduces ambiguity and uncertainty that could undermine the vision and any goals that are set. This means that any change planning should come with being able to identify leaders who are able to handle ambiguity and uncertainty on the journey to the goals that have been set. This in turn means that leaders should be identified in all the layers of the organisation so that people can be helped to find their way through the change journey. Kotter's theory of change supports this approach. Also, check out Moss Kanter's book about teching giants to dance.
I fully agree with Binod Atreya, The organization exists according to its vision, and mission. The successful management will never deviate from vision, and mission of organization to respond to change but rather successful management will revisit the vision and mission, goal, and policy to realign to the impact of change. Thus, vision, mission, goal, and policies are not fixed they are dynamic because change is constant.
Viewing the organization in a very dynamic changing environment, management maintains the balance between the internal and external environment and balance within the internal environment to attain organizational goal guided by the vision and mission. As a leader, I will look at the change process within the macroperspective and I will respond to change within microperspective, Similarly in broader sense I will think global and I will act local.
Prioritization in responding to change to ensure successful management depends on the 3 variables the people, relationship of the people, and situation where change takes place. Furthermore no single theory "fits all" to ensure successful management. Management, organization, and leadership theories are interrelated emerging from various disciplines.
Florencia has raised valuable points for making change happen. Vision and mission is no doubt, required without which all the leaders involved would miss the bright picture of change. Readiness for change is a prerequisite otherwise organization will be left behind and lose their identity.
The dynamic of change is so high that, as Florencia said, one should act on the right time understanding the situation. I would argue that mass participation or support for change may be quite difficult to achieve; therefore, there is a need for few master Strategists that would develop the vision and path for change.
Change is inevitable, but it is manageable. Understanding and communicating the purpose for a change is the key step (Wirkoff, 2013). Communication is paramount when trying to raise the level of understanding in any organization. Resistance becomes higher, if the purpose and onset of change is not communicated. Basically, open communication shall ensure effective management of changes,