The objective is to identify a deposit which will be the target for further exploration. Estimates of quantities are inferred based on interpretation of geological, geophysical and geochemical results.
Remote sensing is the science of acquiring, processing, and interpreting images and related data, acquired from aircraft and satellites, that record the interaction between matter and electromagnetic energy. Remote sensing has helped in the exploration for silver, fluorite, gold, bauxite, ilmenite, and nickel. It is shown that remote sensing can be a specific tool, in tropical rainforest terrains, for the exploration for nickel-laterite deposits. It is also shown that the combined use of an airborne gamma-ray survey with the interpretation of a satellite image is an effective method of exploring for heavy-mineral sands.
A geological study is an initial "evaluation of economic viability".This is obtained by applying meaningful cut -off values of grade thickness,depth and costs estimated from comparable mining operations.The purpose of geological study is to identify mineralisation,estabjish continuity,quantity and quality of mineral depost and thereby define an investment an opportunity.
There has been some work done regarding the use of geochemical vectors for mineral exploration. An example is the paper by Hanley and Bray (2008) where they characterized the variation in trace element chemistry in vein-hosted amphibole with proximity to mineralization. The work I am currently doing is similar, characterizing vein chlorite chemistry as a function of mineralization. These forms of exploration are becoming increasingly more important given that most large deposits have already been explored, leaving smaller deposits or those with little to no surface expression.
Hi Matthew. You are correct regarding the increased importance of geochemical vectors. I have developed several vectors to gold mineralization, some of which I can share with you or others on Research Gate if you write to me privately.
Mineral Deposits are usually identified through a combination of a set of geoscientific data based on various themes; geological, geochemical, geophysical (both ground and airborne) and remote-sensing (geomorphology, lineament and hyperspectral). Each of these themes characterise a type of information relevant to the mineral deposit of interest. Geospatial modelling techniques using spatial statistics (which also include geostatistical methods like variography and kriging) aim at replicating geological reality as closely as possible, using available geo-information. In addition, refined techniques like stable and radiometric isotope analysis, fluid inclusion study, litho-geochemistry, hyperspectral mapping are combined for generation of genetic/exploration model for the commodity, for effective analysis of the datasets and extraction of only the relevant factors and integration of these factors to generate a single prospectivity map. Integration approaches like conceptual - knowledge driven approach and probabilistic - data driven approach can be used on exploration dataset vis-a-vis its genetic model and construction of prospectivity map that illustrate how mineralization potential or prospectivity changes over an area. The assignment of weightage (interactive / geostatistically) to the various predictor / indicator maps carried out in knowledge driven interactive modelling (Index Overlay, Fuzzy Inference analysis and Vector Fuzzy modelling) and by a quantitative method based on known mineral occurrences with conditional probability following the Bayes rule (Bayesian probability) needs geostatistics in combination with GIS tools. The integration exercise using both 2D map data and 3D borehole data (subsurface geological, geochemical and geophysical) generates prospectivity maps for future exploration target areas. Similar exercise can also help in delineating the extension zones of the already explored ore body.
The integration modelling involves five steps:
• Establish an exploration model
• Build a spatial and related attribute database
• Chose a methodology of data integration – knowledge or data driven
• Process the GIS and attribute data according to methodology
• Apply integration modeling to generate Favourability Maps
This question is a matter of broad scope of sciences, philosophical and political approaches, reflected in many textbooks. I agree with your remarks. Recently environmental problems increasingly influence methodology. The comprehension of the answer depends on the experience of the reader. In a general case I suggest going by several steps and evaluate their results before decision to continuate or abandon the exploration project, which eventually shall lead to the profitable mine. The steps are:
1) Recognition of geological structure, lithology, stratigraphy, and geological evolution of the region. It is usually summarized on the geological (lithostratigraphical) maps1:100.000, geological cross sections with a real depth, and explanations.
2) Development of metallogenic, mineralogenic, antracogenic etc. maps registering all mineral deposits and indices (eg. characteristic host rock alteration, facie/zonation, gossans,geochemical and geophysical anomalies, etc.) known in the region and beyond. Definition of geological features corelated with the deposits/indices (metallotects). Statistical analysis of the results.
3) Analysis of geological potential of new discoveries based on 1) and 2). Preparation of a map showing target areas (3).
4) Developing quantitative (tonnage, grade, geometric size) models of ore deposits potentially found and realize probability of finding industrial parametres (already known from current mining practice).
5) Comparation of map (3) with a map of protected areas and ecological projects to recognize potential environmental conflicts.Categorize the areas for free/conflicting.
In some countries this applies also to social attitude.
6) Comparation of map (3) with infrastructure, water, energy, workforce availability.
7) Application exploration methods suitable for oucropping deposits/ore bearing formations/metallotects and blind one.
8) Prepare criteria for distinguishing ore bodies/mineral deposits (cut-off grade & thickness, depth, sometimes toxic admixtures, physical properties) from "barren" rock.
9) Calculation of geological resources, mean content of useful component, and other key parametres specific to minerals/industrial rocks/fossil fuels.
10) Recognition of technological ability of producing saleable mineral raw material, the parametres of concentration/refining process and finally the percentage of valuable components recovered from 1 ton/1 cubic metre of ore. The steps 9 and 10 go parallel.
11) Recognition of hydrogeological and engineering conditions at the mine site and the approximate costs of mining, dressing, infrastructure costs. Economic, financial availability, and risk analysis of alternative mining projects.
12) Determination of economic geological and technological criteria for choosen mining project. Calculation of ore reserves and developing optimal parametres for mine development, exploiatation, processing run of mine etc. Resolving problems with waste disposal.
Believe this task can be better to solve, taking in account phenomena outside Standard model of physics. Specialised detector in the mood of Wilchelm Reich necessary.
You seem like dowsers in space age. Depending of type of forming of ore, larger geoenergic grid fragments are involved in ore making- by intensifying recrystallisation, producing fractures in rocks etc. Some structures You can see from space in infrared actually are not electromagnetic. Can be informative newertheless.
For base exploration you need three methods; geological, geochemistry and geophysics methods. It is important that for the type of deposit was explored and the genesis of the deposit. (in detail you must take the book for exploration mineral deposit and type of genetic mineral deposit because has the difference etc.
sistematic Exploration Method (Geochemistry, geologica; and geophysics) only tools to help in improving the confidence the presence of mineral potensial
I concur with Basab, searching for mineral deposits and narrowing down to areas of economic potential requires an exploration model that would apply multi-disciplinary techniques.
· Exploration models to a large extent depend on the mineral commodity being sought
· Geological Mapping of lithological units and structural features would give an idea of the geological processes and the knowledge obtained there is fundamental to all ore forming processes.
· Remote sensing and image processing can also be applied to obtain a regional 3-dimensional view of the area
· From the knowledge obtained in the above exercises a geochemical reconnaissance can be carried out using a wide range techniques which can assist in giving the geochemical signature of both major and trace elements in the target area.
· Geophysical techniques can be applied to get a geophysical signature of concealed mineralization
· Last but not least is a drilling exercise which is applied to give a 3 dimensional model of the deposit.
The demand of metals changes with time. Nowadays emphasis has shifted into Rare Earths and whatever else can be used in batteries. People find new sources of the above from rocks of various ages that were not sought after previously.
Therefore all rocks are interesting and have some economic potential at one time or another.