1) You need to formalize and prepare your data. This involves
1.a) You need to understand how many time series you have
1.b) You need to understand how many variables relevant to sales data are available
1.c) You need to prepare a table with your source data. For example, it can contain the following columns:
product date sales price temperature
2) You need to formulate your research questions. What is the reason why you want to explore your sales data? Do you want to prepare a forecast or you want to analyse some dependencies?
How does your data look like? Is it weekly data? Do you have any additional variables? If you attach a graph, it would be easier to see what is needed to be done with the data.
Ok - so you have daily observations, now some questions are
What type of forecast is needed? Do you need daily forecasts for the next six weeks? Do you need point forecasts only or do you need interval estimates?
Given that your sales are likely to be influenced by 1) promotions, 2) seasonal cycles, 3) moving state holidays, the task becomes non-trivial, 4) days of the week, and 5) unstable variance of modelling errors (volatility).
If you want to perform forecasting efficiently , you will need to build a model that takes into account all the above features of your data.
Firstly, you need to formalize your data - what is the info for promotions, what were the types of promotions, when they happened, what were the state holidays, etc.
When it comes to modelling, I think the best approach would be to build a SARIMA model with external regressors representing promotions and state holidays + seasonal cycles using trigonometric approximations. This is a well-known approach when you need to model early seasonal changes + daily changes + external factors. But you will probably need to apply Box-Cox transformations because you will need to stabilise error variance.
More on efficient modelling for forecasting with complex seasonality:
However, the SARIMA-based modelling and/or trigonometric approximation can be time-consuming.
If you have limited time resources, you can apply time series decomposition. You will need to extract trend and calculate seasonal indices first, then perform some analysis of the remaining part of the series, and then put everything back. I think more detailed explanations can be found in text books.
If you want something even more simple, try the Holt-Winters method, which is described in many text books and is easy to understand:
When using the Holt-Winters method in your case, you will first need to scale your data to take into account the promotion factor and state holidays effects. Then proceed as described in text books and seasonal indices to model weekly cycles (if you do not have any weekly cycles, just use Holt's method or simple exponential smoothing)
After you find a good model, you will need to evaluate it using some error measures (such as MAE or MSE since you have only one series). You will not necessarily need MAPE or MdAPE since they are used for measuring accuracy across many series.
That's what you would need to do, in a few words...