For example medical image security needs that reversibility,authentication so on. In my work, I detect the cancer in CT lung and I need to know what the requirements for detection the cancer in the lung(especiale pulmonary nodules) so I hop the answer is supported by reference if you please.
There are so many forms of malignant tumors of lung from bronchial, pleural, apical and of many different types of histopathology, cytology, different modes of spread. Only CT is not enough for diagnosis and management. Most important is early diagnosis and surgery. Total cure is possible with early surgery and accurate diagnosis and excision of lymphatic spread by checking frozen biopsy during surgery..
I am a little confused as to what you are asking. Are you asking about what CT parameters are optimal for lung nodule detection or are you asking about HIPAA laws?
In case of pulmonary nodule, you need contrast enhancement pre and post contrast injection. Absence of significant lung nodule enhancement (< or = 15 HU) at CT is strongly predictive of benignity.