I think you will find all your answers in these references:
- Du Laing, G., J. Rinklebe, B. Vandecasteele, E. Meers, et F.M.G. Tack. 2009. « Trace metal behaviour in estuarine and riverine floodplain soils and sediments: A review ».
Science of The Total Environment 407 (13): 3972-3985.
- Du Laing, G., B. De Meyer, E. Meers, E. Lesage, A. Van de Moortel, F. M. G. Tack, et M. G. Verloo. 2008. « Metal Accumulation in Intertidal Marshes: Role of Sulphide
Precipitation ». Wetlands 28 (3): 735-746.
- Lair, G J, F. Zehetner, M. Fiebig, M. H. Gerzabek, C. A. M. van Gestel, T. Hein, S.
Hohensinner, et al. 2009. « How do long-term development and periodical changes of river-floodplain systems affect the fate of contaminants? Results from European
The physico-chemical factors are several. In general, the most important may be pH, redox conditions, floddplain topography, contaminated sediments reworked (chemical time bomb), etc.
The amounts of most heavy metals deposited to the surface of the Earth by man are many times greater than depositions from natural background sources. Combustion processes are the most important sources of heavy metals, particularly, power generation, smelting, incineration and the internal combustion engine. The functioning of natural biological systems is increasingly affected by human activities and it is difficult to find a river or other water body whose natural regime has not been modified by man‟s activities. An increase in urbanisation and industrial activities and higher exploitation of cultivable land has brought about a huge increase in the quantity of discharges and wide diversification in types of pollutants that reach rivers and other aquatic environments. Many African countries depend on agriculture to boost their economy, thus pesticides are likely to represent an important source of xenobiotics in contaminated rivers. The ultimate sink for many of these contaminants is the aquatic environment due to discharges or to hydrologic and atmospheric processes
Most organisms affected by many physicochemical factors, and as you know there are different ways for metal accumulation by an organism which it depend on the behavior of organism and their activities. HM also its concentration depends on the environmental factors such as pH values, deposition rate and quantity of HM.. Etc. I suggested to you to calculate the concentration factors (CF) for each HM.