I am currently conducting research on climate change. I am aware that many natural and human factors influence the climate. Can you help itemize some of these natural and human factors or climate drivers known to you?
The Australian Academic of Sciences produced a booklet explaining the characteristic of climate and the main drivers of change, as a first reading it is an excellent document, it is here:
Here are few examples based on a very important article that addresses the question:
Human factors: consumption preferences, human population size, built infrastructure, human intervention, socioeconomic processes, social networks, agents, government policies, and structures of multilevel governance
The authors went ahead to emphasize that there are "variables that link natural and human components (e.g., fuelwood collection and use of ecosystem services).
You can find out more here:
Complexity of Coupled Human and Natural Systems by Jianguo Liu, et al (2007) http://www.montana.edu/hansenlab/documents/labreadings2011/Liu_etal2007.pdf
I think this is a big question that requires multi-disciplinary answers regarding not only social or human science but also atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, geosphere, chemistry, computer science, etc.