I'd like to measure the size of RRP of synaptic vesicles in neurons from hippocampal slice and found different stimulation protocols used for it (depletion with hyperosmotic sucrose, stim train at 10 Hz or 40 Hz...).
Well, one of the polular one is to use stim train at high frequency and then estimate the RRP from the slope intercept. It does work well when you analyze synaptic connections betwen neurons (e.g paired-recordings ) but I 'm not sure that you can use it for analysing synaptic connections when you stimulate a bundle of fibers.
Thanks for your answer Fabien! Do you know if depletion of RRP by perfusing the slice with hyperosmotic sucrose would be an appropriate protocol for this measurement at neuronal population level?
I mean by using field potential recordings from brain slice with e.g. stimulation of Schaeffer collaterals and postsynaptic recording in CA1 stratum radiatum.