How can we answer the issues involved below in the broader context of millennial tasks and opportunities:
the mega-trends (political, economic, social, intercultural, legal, and digital) in TESOL impacting English and English language education in local and global situations
the best practices to incorporate the languages of their students into English Teachers' daily professional practices to overcome the native speaker as the standard and address the changing realities of English language use around the world, both with regards to students’ needs for English and to teachers’ needs for proficiency in English
the changing realities of English language use around the world, both with regards to students’ needs for English and to teachers’ needs for proficiency in English.
the teaching practice shaping and informing educational policy and research in global/local contexts.
TESOL gives you opportunity to meet the international researchers and teachers of english to solve the international issues related to mega trends.
English teachers also have a big role in internationalization of whole education process and TESOL is the best platfrom. English teachers sahres their expereicneces with each other, on political, economic, social, intercultural, legal, and digital issues.
TESOL is right platform for english teaching policy making process.
Welcome to the New Millennium Learners (NML) pages! The emergence of digital native learners has major potential implications for education. please see the link.
Millenials rely heavily on technology in integrating their work with their personal and social life (Robert Half International and Yahoo! HotJobs, 2008; Baldonado & Spangenburg, 2009; The GMP Group and Temasek Polytechnic, 2009; Net Impact, 2012).
Baldonado, A. M., & Spangenburg, J. (2009). Leadership and the future: Gen Y workers and two-factor theory. The Journal of American Academy of Business Cambridge, 15(1), 99-103
Net Impact. (2012, May). Talent report: What workers want in 2012. Retrieved from https://netimpact. org
Millenials using technology to assist them in completing various tasks of work, communication and developing their potential
applications that connect the Millenials with community amenities through smartphone fare payment and the provision of WiFi and 3G/4G (APTA, 2013).
APTA, M. (2013). Mobility: Understanding the Millenial Mindset. Retrieved fromhttp ://www. Documents. APTA-Millennials-and-Mobility.pdf.
millenials are both intrinsically and extrinsically motivated. This research finding is confirmed the study of Giancola (2008) whicg indicated the most valued rewards by the millenials are learning and development opportunities and work-life balance.
Giancola, F. (2008). Should generation profiles influence rewards strategy. Employee Relations Law Journal, 34(1), 56-68
TESOL has long been at the forefront of publishing pedagogy and theory of language learning (largely as a result of massive global market), and teachers of other languages (in my case German) often draw on their own TESOL background and certainly the research literature to inform their teaching. I'm involved in a Masters-level teacher education programme in Ireland which develops teachers of a foreign language and esl. My question to others would be: what can TESOL people learn from teachers and researchers of other languages? My answer would be: a lot, not least in the area of socio-cultural aspects of language learning.
Thanks for that - a very interesting article content- and structure-wise. The point on Singaporean English is partly what I was getting at, but the issue goes further. It seems to me that commercial concerns have 'neutralised' English in the past to a non-cultural language which is taught more as a communicative system than is the case with other languages where culture and language remain more integrated in the classroom (even in the teaching of multisite languages such as German, French or Spanish.
You are right, Jean. Due to crass commercialisation, there has been a mushrooming growth in schools English education schools all across the world, if one can generalize to an extent. I have come across an article on net entitled The Rise and Role of English as an International Language. Some educational Consequences by Arthur van Essen, University of Groningen, The Netherlands. I have attached it for reading.
There is one more link added for Minority Ethnic English which is an interesting perspective.