What kind of scientific research dominate in the field of The importance of biodiversity, the environment, environmental protection?
Please reply. I invite you to the discussion
What do you need to do to limit the devastation of the Amazon rain forest?
The Amazon rainforest is the largest complex of the natural forest ecosystem producing 60% oxygen on Earth, these are the lungs of the planet Earth.
In addition, it is a natural complex of forest ecosystem with rich biodiversity.
In these Amazonian ecosystems there are still many, millions of species of flora and fauna that have not yet been fully discovered or described.
The scale of felling and thinning stands in the Amazon's forest is so large that every day the scale of this unique biodiversity decreases and many species of living organisms cease to exist.
Human civilization in this way destroys one of the greatest achievements in the development of life, the evolution of ecosystems on Earth.
This is a very serious problem to solve in the 21st century.
Therefore, I am addressing you with an important question: What should you do to limit the devastation of Amazon rainforests?
Please, answer, comments. I invite you to the discussion.
The importance of water for biodiversity conservation?
Rain is necessary in many climatic zones to allow biological life to exist so that biodiverse natural ecosystems exist. In addition, rain in many climate zones and countries is indispensable for agricultural development. Rain is also a source of water in many geographical places, which then penetrates deep into the Earth, feeds waters, waterways, underground, and deep water streams. In addition, the rain feeds the river and lake water, the living environment of many species of plants and aquatic animals, etc. Rain is essential for the effective functioning of ecosystems, but also for people.
In some places on Earth less and less rain falls. It is a threat to the natural environment, to biological ecosystems, long-lasting droughts appear. It is related to global climate change, probably with global warming, global greenhouse effect, and rising annual average temperature on a global scale.
I invite you to the discussion
What is the role of biodiversity in the natural environment?
Biodiversity is a very important issue in the context of the analysis of ecology, sustainable development and the protection of the natural environment, including, above all, the natural sites of biologically deposited ecosystems, ie those characterized by high biodiversity.
Maintaining biodiversity of natural ecosystems is one of the most important problems and tasks for people in the 21st century.
I invite you to discuss this important topic
Biodiversity consists in the cooperation of a few species of plants, animals, fungi, bacteria and possibly other microorganisms. For example, in natural tropical rainforests there is a lot of biodiversity, because in this forest there are many species of plants, animals, fungi and bacteria next to each other.
Biodiversity is the largest unique, unique, difficult to reproduce, unique value of natural, complex biological ecosystems. An example is the tropical forest in the Amazon.
What needs to be done to reduce the devastation of the Amazon rainforests, which are characterized by high biodiversity and are therefore a unique, biological richness of the natural ecosystem on Earth?
The Amazon rainforest is the largest complex of the natural forest ecosystem producing 60% oxygen on Earth, these are the lungs of the planet Earth.
In addition, it is a natural complex of forest ecosystem with rich biodiversity.
In these Amazonian ecosystems there are still many, millions of species of flora and fauna that have not yet been fully discovered or described.
The scale of felling and thinning stands in the Amazon's forest is so large that every day the scale of this unique biodiversity decreases and many species of living organisms cease to exist.
Human civilization in this way destroys one of the greatest achievements in the development of life, the evolution of ecosystems on Earth.
This is a very serious problem to solve in the 21st century.
Therefore, I am addressing you with an important question: What needs to be done to reduce the devastation of the Amazon rainforests, which are characterized by high biodiversity and are therefore a unique, biological richness of the natural ecosystem on Earth?
Please, answer, comments. I invite you to the discussion.
Czy zalesianie obszarów zmodyfikowanych cywilizacyjnie w znaczącym stopniu może zredukować emisję gazów cieplarnianych?
W wielu krajach, w poszczególnych regionach i aglomeracjach miejskich prowadzone są obecnie przedsięwzięcia sadzenia drzew w ramach programów zalesiania obszarów zmodyfikowanych cywilizacyjnie. W niektórych krajach zalesianie obszarów zmodyfikowanych cywilizacyjnie traktuje się jako jeden z ważniejszych instrumentów neutralizacji negatywnych skutków emisji gazów cieplarnianych. Główną przesłanką tej tezy jest fakt pochłaniania przez określone gatunki drzew i krzewów znacznych ilości CO2 oraz poprawy mikroklimatu i gospodarki wodnej w powierzchniowych warstwach gleby. Jednak zgodnie z wynikami badań naukowych w sytuacji wysokiej emisji gazów cieplarnianych zalesianie nie rozwiąże problemu ocieplania się klimatu Ziemi. jeżeli w danym kraju, w danej aglomeracji większość gospodarstw domowych, pojazdów mechanicznych i przedsi ebiorstw sektora energetyki opiera się na spalaniu kopalin to emisja gazów cieplarnianych jest tak wysoka że zalesianie może w bardzo małym stopniu obniżyć tę emisję. W takiej sytuacji oprócz zalesiania należy rozwijać także inne przedsięwzięcia, które umożliwią implementację do procesów gospodarczych zasad zrównoważonego, proekologicznego rozwoju opartego na koncepcji nowej, zielonej ekonomii. Do tych innych proekologicznych przedsięwzięć zalicza się przede wszystkim rozwój odnawialnych źródęł energii, podnoszenie efektywności segregacji odpadów, odzyskiwania surowców wtórych, rozwój elektromobilności w zakresie motoryzacji, rozwój programów implementacji, wdrażania i finansowania innowacji ekologicznych jak np. budowy przydomowych małych ekologicznych siłowni energetycznych opartych np. na instalowaniu na dachach domów paneli fotowoltanicznych zastępujących piece, w których spalane są często niskiej jakości kopaliny itd. Wobec powyższego zalesianie nie rozwiązuje poważnego problemu globalnego ocieplenia ale powinno być rozwijane jako jeden z wielu instrumentów redukcji negatywnych efektów emisji gazów cieplarnianych.
Poza tym szczególnie ważna jest ochrona istniejących zasobów leśnych, w tym naturalnych ekosystemów leśnych charakteryzujących się wysoka bioróżnorodnością, a więc wysoką wartością biologiczną jak np. deszczowe, tropkalne puszcze Amazonii. Jednak to tylko przykład największego, istniejącego naturalnego ekosystemu leśnego na Ziemi. Wszystkie inne tego typu ekosystemy powinny być pod ścisłą ochroną i powinny być wyłączone z grabieżczej, dewstacyjnej gospodarki eksploatacji lasów, tj. pozyskiwania drewna z tych naturalnych ekosystemów leśnych, ponieważ w kontekście problemu ocieplania się klimatu Ziemi są to jedne z najważniejszych, najwartościowszych zasobów planety Ziemi.
Wobec powyższego aktualnym jest pytanie: Czy zalesianie obszarów zmodyfikowanych cywilizacyjnie w znaczącym stopniu może zredukować emisję gazów cieplarnianych?
Proszę o odpowiedź, komentarze. Zapraszam do dyskusji.
The three concepts are somehow interrelated and they all have a great bearing on the health and happiness of mankind in general.Biodiversity refers to the variety and variability of life on Earth and it is typically defined as variation at the genetic, species, and ecosystem levels. However, very rapid environmental alterations may cause mass extinctions threatening the natural balance between man and nature. As such, paying careful attention to the environment and designing special environmental protection programs are safe bets ensuring the natural aging of the mother Earth and preserving the natural resources for the future generations.
The above question inspired me to the following considerations:
What is the role of particular social groups in disseminating the concept of sustainable pro-ecological development based on the concept of a new, green economy?
The role of engineers is particularly important for enabling sustainable development, including sustainable pro-ecological development, based on the concept of a new, green economy. Engineers create new technological solutions, new energy technologies, ecological innovations, innovative ecological buildings, develop renewable energy sources in industry and other applications, create automation technologies for waste segregation, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, develop electromobility, carry out investment projects to reclaim a devastated natural environment, etc. Apart from engineers, the key actors are the state as an economic entity and financial institutions, ie the main actors of external financing of environment-friendly investment projects, thanks to which sustainable sustainable development based on the concept of green economy is enabled and implemented. The role of politicians who set the direction of the necessary systemic changes is also important. Also important is the role of citizens who within the civil and information society are increasingly aware of the threats to the growing risk of climatic cataclysms that are a derivative of the progressive global warming. The role of mass media and new online media is important, including social media portals, thanks to which the level of social awareness for this type of important problems, particularly important in the 21st century, important for humanity, for the whole planet Earth is growing.
In view of the above, the current question is: What is the role of particular social groups in the dissemination of sustainable pro-ecological development based on the concept of a new, green economy?
Please, answer, comments. I invite you to the discussion.
In addition, I note the interesting discussion inspired me to the following considerations:
Are the biggest global problems of the future underestimated and ignored?
In my opinion, both unfavorable processes, ie the global warming and the depletion of the ozone layer in the atmosphere will increase in the future. However, there is still some time to implement the necessary pro-ecological reforms to slow down these processes. It is estimated that there has been a decade of time to carry out the necessary pro-ecological investments, thanks to which it would be possible to implement sustainable pro-ecological development in the global economy. Hedgehogs do not take these actions in the next decade, then these unfavorable climate processes will accelerate in the future and become permanently irreversible. Then, at the end of the twenty-first century, there will be a global climate cataclysm that will threaten the life of all humanity and a large part of other life forms that inhabit the planet Earth. The problem is therefore serious and underestimated by politicians, entrepreneurs, industrialists and many other social groups. The problem of global warming and decreasing ozone layer in the atmosphere is too little publicized and the educated society is not educated enough.
In view of the above, the current question is: Are the biggest global problems of the future underestimated and ignored?
Please, answer, comments. I invite you to the discussion.
I totally agree. In my opinion, today's environmental problems, as well as those related to the atmosphere, are not evaluated enough. Scientists have been observing dangerous and environmentally harmful behavior for years, but future predictions were unfortunately too far and, in my opinion, people are used to looking more at the present, not caring about the distant future and problems that are too far away. In this way the bad habits have been maintained until today, when the problem has become more serious, but above all imminent. At the moment the whole world is teeming with charitable associations that are committed to moving people to assume a more environmental safe behavior, but they are increasingly alarmed.
Reza Biria is right, and I would add that an answer to one topic without considering the other two would give a biased and weaker position, synergize among them all.
Good to ask such wonderful questions, which are of great interest to us at present. The three topics are important and interrelated and can be integrated into one topic: environmental protection
The psychology and philosophy that alienates human nature from Nature, and how this can be understood and remedied.
The three topics are important, they are interrelated but different. The environment is a large concept that includes biodiversity as defined at Rio de Janeiro. The world is threatened by environmental crises including the loss of biodiversity. it is recognized that sustainable development can not be achieved without environmental protection
I will keep saying this: the problem of environmental abuse has deep roots in the human psyche, arising most fundamentally from a fearful attitude of mind that estranges Nature from human nature.
It is this attitude of mind that needs to be attended to if we are ever going to find a way of living in empathic rapport rather than at odds with one another and our natural neighbourhood.
We need to re-imagine our relationship with our natural neighbourhood, and this will necessitate an inversion in the way we have predominantly come to perceive space and boundaries from what isolate things from one another to sources of natural receptive continuity and energetic distinction.
This re-imagining is the basis for the philosophy of 'natural inclusion' as a guiding principle of Nature that can free us from the contradictions and paradoxes embedded in abstract rationality.
IMHO, it is all about the holistic approach in ecology (aka 'everything is connected'). However, we tend to break the approach down into its pieces to make it easier, but often end up in front of a huge puzzle. This puzzle becomes even more irritating when anthropocentric and subjective perspectives and social as well political dynamics are included. They certainly does not help finding a common denominator and grasp the entire picture (if this is our/your intention). I just guess that our rapid population increase (see just the last 100 years!) and the detachment of ecological processes (or better the way we are controlling them) are a major cause in many current and upcoming environmental issues. E.g.,, humanity controls the population of other animals and plants (their diversity, conflicts, etc.) due to space and ressources, among others, but we seem to forget about the gobal impact *our* mass is increasingly creating. Considering the OP's question, may be a start is the 5 w's: what?, why?, where?, who?, and when? with respect to importance of biodiversity.
Thanks Ernest.
Actually, if feel that there is a need to go deeper than the 'everything is connected' approach. But that would be difficult to explain here in a few words. Please try checking out some of my publications on 'natural inclusion', if you wish.
To go deeper yes. But the main mistake made in the past has been not to consider the interrelationship between nature and man, environment and development. We are paying dearly for this way of considering things.
Yes, and this mistake is rooted in an abstract perception of space and boundaries, which cuts humanity off from our natural origins
Some of scientific research focuses in the recent times include:
- Biodiversity: Impact of climate change on biodiversity. On the flip side of this issue is the role of biodiversity in climate change mitigation and adaptation
- Environment: One of the burning debates in this field is the latest report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (the Fifth Assessment Report), especially concerning the Global Warming of 1.5 C. We have observed increased temperature in the past two years and there are still many debates on how we can realistically limit our emissions. Those are focuses of some scientific researches in the recent times.
- Environmental protection: There has been also an increased tempo in what is nowadays called 'environmental justice'. We have also witnessed increased number of groups, activists and researchers providing evidences to lobby and advocate for environmental protection. Among the key issues or as we may call, the hot topics, are the impact of animal production and fossil fuels on the environment. There are also few researches on how developed and developing countries are implementing their Nationally Determined Contributions towards climate change mitigation and adaptation potentials.
If we protect the environment we could protect the biodiversity, but the environment without any alive element(plant , animal and ...) does n,t mean at all.
The three topics are important and they are interrelated,but environment includes biodiversity,e.g.:on 2008 in Argentina by law 26875 was created the Protected Marine Area Namuncurá-Burdwood Bank.It is the first marine oceanic park of Argentina localized 54º19"S,59º23"W,with a depth from 50 m to 3000m and this zone is characterized by abundance of fishes,birds,cnidarians (specially cold waters corals),porifera,etc.,etc.So this area has a high productivity,then this area must be protected.
Dear Dr.Dariusz Prokopowicz,I have the law where this area was created,if you need it,I can send it by email.I must to say you the law is write in Spanish.
conservative biology, human interference, human nature conflict, desructive environment, climate change, natural resources, food chain
Szanowny kolega! Problem jest trudny, ale bardzo ważny. Dotyczy relacji między człowiekiem a środowiskiem. Chociaż lata 2010-2020 zostały uznane za zachowanie różnorodności biologicznej, efekt jest minimalny. Ludzka potrzeba wygrywa.
All the three topics are equally significant and they are interlinked to each other.
What are the important topics in the field: The importance of biodiversity, the environment, environmental protection?
What kind of scientific research dominate in the field of The importance of biodiversity, the environment, environmental protection?Please reply. I invite you to the discussion
Pan Dariusz, what is your opinion? I am from the North Caucasus, I have the opinion that all the questions you raise are closely interrelated.
The earth without alive creatures (microorganisms, plants ,animals , ..... then human) is a dead world.Thus the biotic element(biodiversity) in the ecological systems is the result and goal, so it is more important for us to protect it.
Dear @Nduwimana André , I apologize if this may sound rude or arrogant to you, which is not meant to be, but we cannot change the past, only start in the present to change the future. Certainly, we can learn from the past, but just blaming our mistakes in the past will not provide solutions.
PS: I forgot to add another important factor that is a major problematic driver in achieving at least some goals regarding Biodiv and Co.: Economy.
PPS Thank you, @Alan Rayner .
All are significantly related ecological studies. You may not be able to study any one of the three topics without mentioning the others.
@Pius Adebayo Araoye, I personally do agree with you, but we should consider more about human because it is a key factor those three mentioned topics ... especially in developing and least developed countries, people rely on these for their subsistence and so forth ... So, to find out an optimal dynamic solution, is a great challenge for scientific researchers.
Initially the biodiversity, because it supposes a fundamental base information to treat, to assess and to evaluate later the environmental questions
First, the three ecological topics are interrelated and as well important. However, the conservation goals will be achieved if humans (especially those that live in the local areas) understand the importance of biodiversity (e.g. the ecosystem services provided by them, the richer the diversity of life, the greater the opportunity for medical discoveries, economic development etc. ) and the consequences of loosing these biodiversity.
Second, it is important to employ a multidisciplinary approach in ecology study (i.e. include social/socioeconomic survey in ecological studies) as this will provide us with a robust findings to ecological problem under investigation (an ecological strategy that is research driven is highly important for biodiversity conservation)
To save biodiversity or protect our earth and to find an applied scientific approach , we first have to define what is the problem or who is responsible for the current situations(environment degradation and specie extinction). The answer is clear, the mankind. So it is necessary to use an ecological scientific approach with a human base. Since the most of natural ecosystems in the world(such as rangelands, forest ,.....) are used by nomadic peoples or local communities, and their subsistence related to the nature, we must focus on them. The duty of politicians is heavy.
The question is the tip of the iceberg. First, we must clearly and explicitly define our terms. For example, Hawaii has a greater biodiversity now than it (probably) ever had. But, it has also "traded" native species for introduced ones. So, when talking about biodiversity there I believe one must clearly define terms. Same with any of these terms. They also carry a lot of social baggage in that we place an implicit "value" on a state of the environment without a clear statement. And, as many have noted, the human/social/cultural issues drive it all.
We must not forget that theoretical concept of environment (not only physical environment) is extremely complex due to its comprehensive subject. Therefore it necessarily involve an initial separative analysis of multiple topics, being biodiversity one of them.
Unfortunately as with all aspects of conservation and ecology it is not as simple as choosing one of these as the "most" important. The environment is necessary to support biodiversity and in order to support the environment there must be environmental protection. However, without an understanding of the importance of biodiversity by people local to the protected area, protection is unlikely to be effective even were legislation is put in place by authorities. Therefore we need to take a holistic approach encompassing all of the aforementioned aspect to really succeed.
Conservation of the environment by sea and land: Fish studies Studies on turtles Plant studies and environment Studies on water quality
All tropics are interrelated.. However first save the biodiversity which ultimately save environment which become the part of environmental protection.. So these tropics are equally important..
Do you agree with my thesis that the 21st century should be a century of pro-ecological reforms, the age of green economy, sustainable pro-ecological development and protection of the environment and biodiversity?
Please, answer, comments.
I invite you to the discussion.
Best wishes
It should be since we are running out of time. But, the driver of the whole ecological/biodiversity issue is human population. Not only the numbers but the where. If that is not not dealt with, then rest falls apart.
Yeah ; this 21st century should be a century of pro-ecological reforms, age of green economy, sustainable pro-ecological development ..because it is high time we degraded the environment .This time to conserve the environment in sustainable way like use renewable energy , produce eco- friendly products etc that's ultimately part of green economy by protecting both environment and biodiversity . If we don't do this would difficult for us to survive in future .
The overall answer to the question hinges on your and society's view of the future. I believe that the earth has (essentially) a finite capacity to support life in all its forms. Each life form competes with others for resources. Until moderately recently, humans were directly connected to the ecosystem and food web. As technology increased and we moved from nomadic hunter-gatherers to settled agriculturists we changed that dynamic. The ultimate question is whether we, or society, view humans as part of the ecosystem, which as Aldo Leopold suggested, should keep all its parts, or if the earth exists solely to meet human needs and desires. I think that is the question for the 21st Century.
Dariusz Prokopowicz if " the age of green economy " will affect proportionally income classes, it may be possible. But this appears to me unrealistic.
In view of the above, it is also important to include in the above discussion also the following issue:
Ecology + sustainable economic development = sustainable green economy development?
In your opinion, what are the biggest barriers and limitations for the global dissemination in the business processes of sustainable green economy based on the concept of green economy?Please replyBest wishes
Dear Friends and Colleagues of RG Do you agree with my opinion that protection of the natural environment, biodiversity is one of the greatest civilization challenges of the 21st century? Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Best wishes
Dear Friends and Colleagues of RG
Innovations in energy technologies are being developed, technologies for renewable energy sources, electromobility, waste segregation, purification of contaminated water in rivers, ecological material innovations, eg replacement of plastic packaging for biodegradable materials, etc. are developed and improved. All this constitutes an element of systemic sustainable pro-ecological economic development based on the concept of green economy. Thanks to the dissemination of systemic sustainable ecological development in the future, it will be possible to slow down the unfavorable warming of the Earth's climate and increase the scale of environmental protection and biodiversity. Dissemination of systemic sustainable ecological development in the near future can save the planet Earth, many species of plants, animals and people from destruction, which may occur at the end of the 21st century, if the above-mentioned pro-ecological reforms are not introduced universally, globally, ie in all countries. Do you agree with my opinion? In connection with the above, I would like to ask you: According to you, which eco-innovations are the most important for future protection of the environment and biodiversity? Which ecological innovations do you think should be developed universally and to the greatest extent possible? Please reply Best wishes
Pan Dariush! Humanity is concerned about the state of world ecology. Need to say a man does a lot for this. However, his predation still runs ahead. How to get ahead is the task.
Pan Dariusz, sorry for the wrong spelling of your name. Probably forget the Polish language.
Alternative livelihood is an imp area of research in context to protection of environment
All the three topics significant, but environmental protection is very highly significant.
The above question inspired me to the following considerations:
To what extent does the development of eco-innovation and renewable energy improve the protection of the environment, natural biological ecosystems and biodiversity?
In my opinion, the development of innovative ecological technologies and eco-innovations as well as renewable energy sources and their implementation into economic processes is a growing important factor of sustainable green economic development based on the green economy concept.
In a situation where pro-ecological innovations are developed, including energy-related innovations, including new technologies of renewable energy sources, then pro-development anti-crisis, Keynesian socio-economic policy obtains additional attributes of modernity taking into account the protection of natural resources of the environment, protection of natural biological ecosystems and biodiversity.
In this situation, the classic pro-development anti-crisis, Keynesian social and economic policy is transformed into an ecological socio-economic policy implemented into the economy as part of the promotion of sustainable proecological socio-economic development taking into account the new green economy principles, including care for the protection of natural environmental resources, protection natural biological ecosystems and biodiversity.
Do you agree with my opinion on this matter?
In view of the above, I am asking you the following question:
To what extent does the development of eco-innovation and renewable energy improve the protection of the environment, natural biological ecosystems and biodiversity?
Please reply
I invite you to discussion and scientific cooperation
Thank you very much
Best wishes
In the context of the progressive warming of the Earth's climate, the following question is of particular importance:
How to increase the effectiveness of environmental protection programs, natural ecosystems and biodiversity?
Protection of the environment, natural ecosystems and biodiversity should be an integral part of the concept of sustainable pro-ecological economic development?
In the context of growing and increasing environmental pollution and declining areas of natural ecosystems, the importance and need to improve environmental protection systems, natural ecosystems and biodiversity is increasing. Biodiversity is one of the most important issues of natural ecosystems and life on Earth. Maintaining high biodiversity on Earth should be a challenge and one of the main goals of human functioning on the Earth in the 21st century and in subsequent centuries.
In connection with the above, protection of the environment, natural ecosystems and biodiversity should be an integral part of the concept of sustainable ecological development. In some countries, the concept of sustainable pro-ecological economic development is implemented successively, primarily in the field of renewable energy sources, improvement of waste segregation techniques and recycling development. However, in many countries these issues are still insufficiently developed.
Still too small financial resources are allocated in many countries for the development of renewable energy sources, improvement of waste segregation and recycling techniques. In addition to the private sector, besides enterprises implementing ecological innovations, it is necessary to increase expenditures and develop strategic pro-ecological reform projects, including restructuring of the mining industry of minerals supplying classic energy sources and development of energy based on renewable energy sources. This development should be supported and coordinated by environmentally friendly state intervention, and due to the high investment costs of construction of power plants producing electricity from renewable energy sources should be co-financed from the state public finance funds.
In this way, it will be possible to slow down the ongoing global warming process in the 21st century and thus slow down the process of devastating the natural environment, draining green areas characterized by high biodiversity. Biodiversity is a very important issue in the context of the analysis of ecology, sustainable development and the protection of the natural environment, including, in particular, the natural positions of biologically complex ecosystems, i.e. those that are characterized by high biodiversity. Maintaining biodiversity of natural ecosystems is one of the most important problems and tasks for people in the 21st century.
Do you agree with my opinion on this matter?
In the context of the above considerations, the following question is still valid:
How to increase the effectiveness of environmental protection programs, natural ecosystems and biodiversity?
Please reply
I invite you to the discussion
Thank you very much
Best wishes
Good afternoon, pan Prokopowich! You raised a big question. In the Caucasus, people knew that each type of tree had its own age of ripening. The matured tree was then used for its intended purpose. Never cut down any kind of tree when the splitting began. The cutting of the tree was after the falling of the leaves and the intensive stopping of the separation. The forest in the Caucasus was a defender from strong winds. Forests were planted so that they could protect themselves from strong winds. Circassians had forest gardening when they planted fruit trees under powerful forest trees, thus protecting them from pests. There were a lot of swamps (swamps) in the North Caucasus, in the summer mosquitoes were abundant. Therefore, in order to protect themselves from mosquitoes, villages were set on hillocks, so that there was a constant wind that did not give rest to mosquitoes. People knew where to graze animals, because there were places with a high content of sulfur, poisonous herbs. People knew how to free animals from helminthic invasion, grazing in certain places, for example, where there was a lot of wormwood. Now forgotten about 200 types of herbs that people used for treatment, cosmetics, dyeing woolen goods, food. On the Black Sea coast, the Circassians built houses and farm buildings from chestnut wood, it did not rot. If you look at many pictures of Russian artists, you will see that their toe was bent. This was done for the care of the grass, which served as food for humans and food for animals. For what I write all this, people have received all this useful information since childhood. Needed was a careful use of the environment. After all, nature fed, treated, clothed man. Therefore, people tracked what herbs eat more animals, hooked them. In a word, there was a great gentle ecological culture. Now we need a revival of this culture, education from kindergarten, school, university, maybe on a new basis. After all, now there are many tools such as television, radio, the Internet, and others. We need trips with children to the bosom of nature and showing on a living example, to speak of their importance, measures of preservation. I really apologize for my English.
In the context of the progressive warming of the Earth's climate, the following question is of particular importance:
How can environmental protection and biodiversity be improved by using current ecological technologies?
Due to the current civilization progress in recent decades, acceleration of the development of industry, automotive, urban agglomerations, intensification of agricultural production, etc. and related greenhouse gas emissions, global warming, ozone layer depletion in the atmosphere, increase of environmental pollution, growing problem of smog in urban agglomerations, the increase in pollution of the seas and oceans to which unsorted waste is thrown away is cut out as part of the predatory economy of tropical forests in the Amazon and other largest natural forest ecosystems.
In addition, the secondary effect of global warming of the Earth's climate is the increasing, more frequent weather anomalies, including drought, leading to steppe and desertification of areas that were previously natural forest ecosystems or areas exploited by agriculture.
As a result of the above-mentioned processes, every year many species of flora and fauna disappear forever.
As a result, natural biodiversity diminishes, which for millions of years evolved evolutionally on Earth.
In this way the natural resources of the planet Earth are irretrievably in decline.
In view of the above, the issue of environmental protection and biodiversity is one of the most important challenges of humanity in the 21st century.
Classical economics must change towards a green economy based on the strategy of sustainable pro-ecological development.
Therefore, I am asking you for the following query:
How can environmental protection and biodiversity be improved by using current ecological technologies?
Please, answer, comments.
I invite you to the discussion.
Best wishes
Biodiversity is also known as biological or biological diversity, which is a diversity in the various dimensions and forms of living nature. Biodiversity is introduced in several definitions and measures. It is described as a measure of health by biological systems. Biodiversity plays a fundamental role in life on Earth. On the planet that include all the genetic compositions of plants and animals.
In the context of the progressive warming of the Earth's climate, the following question is of particular importance:
What do you think is the importance of biodiversity in natural ecosystems?
Biodiversity is diverse in virtually unlimited degree, which results from the essence of processes of evolution of species, filet lines and entire ecosystems. It is thanks to the millions of years of evolutionary processes on Earth that there are so many different natural and highly diverse ecosystems in which different species of flora, fauna, fungi and microorganisms adapt to life in different and very diverse geographical and climatic environments.
The largest biodiversity of ecosystems and species functions in natural environmental environments in which ecosystems have evolved without human impact through millions of years of climatic and geographical conditions enabling the development of various life forms. These types of high biodiversity sites can be found in unpolluted rainforest ecosystems in tropical forests, in temperate climates and in coral reefs.
Unfortunately, human civilization activity contributes to the successive and accelerating process of biodiversity reduction by dying out species of living organisms. The areas of natural natural ecosystems are decreasing, including those in which the greatest biodiversity is diagnosed, such as the rainforests of the Amazon. The protection of naturalistic ecosystems and thus the protection of the planet's biodiversity is the most important challenge for mankind in the 21st century.
Do you agree with my opinion on this matter?
In view of the above, I am asking you the following question:
What do you think is the importance of biodiversity in natural ecosystems?
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In view of the above, it is also important to include in the above discussion also the following issue:
How do ecological innovations co-create the implementation of sustainable pro-ecological economic development?
In the coming years, humanity should carry out pro-ecological reforms of the classic energy based on the burning of minerals by converting it into environmentally friendly energy based on renewable energy sources. It should be possible to allocate as much as possible to this environmentally-friendly transformation of the energy industry because what will be realized in this matter over the next dozen or so years depends on the pace of the progressive and accelerating process of greenhouse gas emissions and global warming. Ecological innovations developed primarily in the field of new technologies of renewable energy sources are helpful in the process of proecological energy transformation.
Thanks to ecological innovations, the scope and possibilities of implementing sustainable ecological development are increasing. In connection with the progressing global warming process, it is necessary to develop eco-innovations in the field of renewable energy development, improvement of sorting techniques, recycling, electromobility, organic farming, plastic reduction from packaging and conversion of plastics to biodegradable materials, etc.
In this way, through the development of ecological innovations and their implementation on an industrial scale, it is possible to implement sustainable pro-ecological economic development in modern economies. This is a key challenge for humanity in the 21st century. It is a challenge to the necessary and possibly quick implementation in the coming years.
Do you agree with my opinion on this matter?
In view of the above, I am asking you the following question:
How do ecological innovations co-create the implementation of sustainable pro-ecological economic development?
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In the context of the above considerations, the following question is also current:
How should nature conservation and biodiversity be developed?
In your opinion, how should nature conservation, biological ecosystems, individual species of flora and fauna and biodiversity be developed?
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I suggest the following questions and research problems in the above topic:
In what directions are researching biological biodiversity currently going?
Do biological biodiversity research currently affect, among others, the following problems:
- Analysis of changes, usually poorer biodiversity of natural biological ecosystems under the influence of human activity,
- Does the depletion of biodiversity of natural ecosystems under the influence of human activity usually lead to disturbance of the biological balance shaped by millions of years?
- Does the decline in the number of species of flora and fauna, the loss of biodiversity of natural ecosystems reduce the resistance of ecosystems to faster and faster changes in the Earth's climate?
- Will the ongoing changes in the Earth's climate, the ongoing global warming process change natural biological ecosystems, create new environments that can be studied in the context of accelerated processes of the evolution of biological ecosystems?
- Can changes in the biodiversity of natural ecosystems caused by the impact of human activity be considered as a continuation of the evolutionary process?
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In view of the above, it is also important to include in the above discussion also the following issue:
What part of Amazon species flora and fauna is not yet known or not studied and not described?
One of the natural ecosystems characterized by high biodiversity are the tropical rainforests of the subtropics. The area of these forests decreases year by year. In this way planet Earth is poorer in terms of biodiversity, including many unique species of flora and fauna that live in these forest formations, for example in the tropical Amazonian forest, i.e. the largest natural forest complex. From year to year, many unique species of flora and fauna, including species not yet discovered, unrecognized or described, are lost irretrievably.
It is estimated that many species of flora and fauna occurring in tropical rainforests of the Amazon, in this unique, natural forest, characterized by high biodiversity, have not yet been completely discovered. In addition, there are many species of flora and fauna found in tropical rainforests of the Amazon, which have been found, discovered but have not yet been thoroughly researched and described, have not been named.
Much of the undiscovered species of flora and fauna found in tropical rainforests of the Amazon can never be discovered, because the Amazon rainforest is cut so quickly and its area is rapidly decreasing. Unfortunately, due to the type of soil and the specific microclimate created by the tropical forest, it is not possible to recreate a fully cut forest of the tropical forest without the use of huge expenditure. Because the cut forest is often not reproduced, so the soil becomes barren and the area of the former steppe forest.
In this way, humanity loses irretrievably the enormous potential of biodiversity of undiscovered species of flora and fauna. The value of this biodiversity of undiscovered species of flora and fauna occurring in tropical rainforests of the Amazon can be a loss of knowledge important for science contained in this biodiversity and individual organisms of living flora and fauna. For example, they may be unique biochemical substances produced by living organisms, fauna and also fungi that could be new medicines in medicine, new crops in organic agriculture resistant to specific viral, bacterial, parasite, etc. diseases. it is also knowledge about organic compounds that have not yet been recognized, which could be applied in various branches of industry developed in accordance with the concept of sustainable, pro-ecological development, according to the green economy concept.
In view of the above, humanity loses great potential for the development of science and technology by cutting out natural biological ecosystems, in particular those characterized by high biodiversity of tropical rain forests. Tropical forests and many other natural biological ecosystems as entire ecosystems have evolved over millions of years. The evolution of millions of years (not only individual species according to Darwinian evolution) but above all the evolution of entire ecosystems analyzed as a process of integrated evolution of thousands or millions of ecologically connected species of flora, fauna, fungi, bacteria and viruses has led to the creation of, for example, tropical Amazonian forest characterized by enormous potential of biodiversity, so huge that many species of living organisms in this wild forest have not yet been recognized.
Many such areas characterized by high biodiversity disappear irretrievably from the Earth's surface. The natural highly biodiverse ecosystems that have been created for millions of years now disappear in a moment, because the appearance of man on Earth in the context of the millennia of evolution of life on Earth is just a moment. Are such activities typical of a rational being? Is it only lack of knowledge, lack of awareness of societies about how much humanity loses, how much it loses in the potential of science and technology development in the situation of cutting natural highly biodiverse ecosystems that will not be reborn themselves, they will not recreate themselves without the use of huge expenditures, usually much larger than profits from the wood obtained from the forest?
In view of the above, I am asking:
What part of Amazon species flora and fauna is not yet known or not studied and not described?
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Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Environmental protection.
All three are interrelated to each other and are equally important.
Please take a look at my new website at http://www.spanglefish.com/exploringnaturalinclusion/ for an introduction to the kind of awareness that I feel is desperately needed
Definitely environmental protection, but before this environmental impact assessment should be studied....
Dear Colleagues! To all this, it is necessary to clearly divide the biodiversity of the surrounding nature into two parts: wildlife and agricultural. The nature of the environment appears on the one hand in the form of light megacities, the cultural heritage of groves, forests, wild animals from bugs to elephants. On the other hand, preserving agricultural plants and animals, we secure for ourselves and future generations the right to quality food. Many people think that agricultural activities interfere with the conservation of wildlife. In fact, in my opinion, a person is underdeveloped in maintaining the quality of land, plants and animals. Thinking, supposedly about the good of himself, a person causes great harm to the environment. We need rationality on our small earth, and not the extensive methods of exploiting the environment that people have been using for thousands of years.
Environmental impact assessment and environmental impact statement.
Like said Louis Zapfack: all of them are important.
Please,don´t trouble no more with this theme.
The impact of human advancement - technology and population - in the current and future state of biodiversity and ecological balance of the planet.