What is organic food? As per Wikipedia, "Organic foods are foods produced by organic farming. Currently, the European Union, the United States, Canada, Mexico, Japan and many other countries require producers to obtain special certification in order to market food as organic within their borders. In the context of these regulations, organic food is food produced in a way that complies with organic standards set by national governments and international organizations. Although the produce of kitchen gardens may be organic, selling food with the organic label is regulated by governmental food safety authorities, such as the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) or European Commission."

Organic food is known to have many health benefits (see second link).

Some excerpts from this article - "15 advantages of organic food":

"The best advantages of organic food include:"

Nutrient-Denser Food!

According to a State of Science Review done in 2008, organic food has more nutritional superiority than its non-organic counterparts.

Stronger, More Energetic Body!

No pesticides, chemicals or processed foods bogging down your system means a smaller risk of disease, illness and disorders in yourself. And nothing leaves me feeling tired and gross like unhealthy junk food.

It Tastes Better!

True, it may not taste as good if you're accustomed to the addictive qualities of junk food additives, such as processed sugar and MSG. But after just a short time of your body experiencing truly healthy food, you'll be craving it!

Yes, It's Cheaper!

Although some organic food and products are more expensive, you actually WILL save money in several ways:

Organic foods help to prevent major and minor diseases and illnesses, meaning lower health care costs and less likelihood of missing work.

Your brain tells your body to eat partially based on the nutrients it needs. Eating organic means more nutrients, which means your brain won't tell your body to keep eating like it does with junk food.

Buying organic food from the farmer's market is incredibly inexpensive. You also have the option of bartering with farmers for good or services.

Growing your own can become free when you get your organic garden in place!

And when it comes to non-food products, organic merchandise are generally a higher quality, so you don't need to buy a new cotton shirt every year when the old one falls apart.

Want some practical tips on making it cheaper? Read more about how to make organic food affordable here.

Safe from Dangerous Pesticides!

Chemical pesticides has been linked to breast, prostrate and other cancers, non-Hodgkins lymphoma, leukemia, infertility, convulsions, immune and endocrine disorders, Parkinson's disease and depression. Just to name a few

Safe from Scary Chemicals!

Herbicides and fertilizers have been connected with various cancers, immune disorders, infertility, cardiac disease, hypertension, and numerous other diseases. Learn more about herbicide toxicity and chemical fertilizers.

Safe from Other Crazy Stuff!

Things like genetically engineered foods (frankenfoods, such a tomatoes spliced with fish genes for cold weather tolerance), food fertilized with sewer sludge, appetite enhancers given to animals and synthetic hormones are just a few more advantages of organic food.

Peace of Mind!

Knowing your buying organic food can help you to enjoy what you eat for all the reasons outlined above and below.

I hear a lot of people say that eating healthy and organic doesn't really matter.

"I mean, we're all gonna die anyway, right?"

However, it's not totally about how long you live but the quality of the years you live. Feeling healthy and energetic to have fun and explore life sounds much better to me than battling off cancer or obesity. [Excerpts only]

Your views are welcome! Muchas Gracias!!



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