I used Crispr cas9 (sgRNA) to generate a new mouse line for my experinment. The target DNA is on the 2nd axon of the gene of interest. Primers were unique and worked well (confirmed by WT PCR sequence). When I got the heterozygous founder I sequenced the big band (which were top 2 large bands together, the gel wasn't separating them well back then when I did the sequencing, and I ignored the background noise in the big band ) and the small band. I confirmed a 19bp deletion (through sequence) caused a frame shift in the small band.
Now the line is breeding normally with 2 heterozygous parents (F1 generation) and produces both WT, Hez and Homozygous pups. But I noticed since I started run gels at low voltage (80V for 75mins, used to be 100V for 40mins), The parents and the heterozygous offsprings show 3 bands instead of 2 (with a larger than WT band previously unknown to me, and I ignored the noise peak in the sequencing data back then). The WT and Homozygous pups had sequencing data as expected. I am wondering if anyone else saw something like this before? Is it just some wired genotyping/gel issues or should I do a gel extraction and sequence the largest band? or I can safety ignore this observation since it does not effect my experiment with the null mouse?
P.S primers are unique so does the amplicon. The target gene has gene paralogs similar but not identical on exon 2.