August 25th, 2023
Those methodologies, we have to assume that are not the better ones, are being used to claim humans are 'making progresses' with regards the 2030 SDGs agenda.
As the ongoing human-sparked climate crisis and the huge Earth's ecology breakdowns seem unstoppable, scientists must ask what are the methodologies that are being used by other scientists to support those claims.
A generalized optimism keep asking time we (humans) do not have to fulfill those goals.
The 21st century science will be all about try to avoid a major planetary disruption sparked by just the biology-based dominant species.
We need metrics to avoid groundless discourses. That task will imply to create a system of systems regarding Earth observation in all scales.
It is relevant to say that the problem is not suitable for a technological perspective only... The problems we are facing are behavioral in nature.
Hernan L. Villagran