Making a healthy childhood makes a big contribution to good health (this is like a foundation for a home — or the foundation was made good or bad).
I work a lot and I don’t have enough time to walk or do sports, although I really love it. I try to eat good food, but sometimes I really want ketchup, mayonnaise, chips and other very bad food.
And if I want, then I eat it. I think our health is in our head and in the will of God. I do not allow myself to be sick and do not allow myself to specifically offend people and harm them. And thank God, while I have normal health (not great, but normal)
I think eat healthy fruits like Apple. "An apple a day keeps doctor away". Apple is a fiber-rich fruit( helps in weight decrease, reduce cholesterol level, prevent heart disease and lowers risk to type 2 diabetes) and contains very powerful anti-oxidant( fights cancer, keeps your liver healthy and aids flushing toxins). Eating fruits along with meal isn't a good idea because when fruit is eaten our digestive process works very quickly, so when eaten alone our stomach can more easily process the fiber, nutrients and simple sugar contained in the fruit.
Complex carbs- n bread, green veggies, wheat, fruits, beans, peas, nuts.
Simple carbs - white rice, white sugar, brown sugar, Soda, all processed foods ( cake,cookies), pastries and desserts, potatoes.
Simple carbs offer little nutrition and are broken down rapidly causing a spike in blood glucose level. Complex carbs are rich in fiber, takes long time to break down and thus provide nutrition to our body along the way, besides keeping us satisfied and full.
Life is becoming very fast nowadays. We can hardly afford to do daily exercises or going to gym leaving our daily chores and duties. Regular mopping is the best thing I can do for my body. We can burnt at least 200 calories or so.
I , whatever the circumstances be , try to sleep and wake up at the exact same time everyday. The past few months have made me realize how important the sleep cycle is. Besides, I do a little warm-up ( physical ) , include vegetables in my meal and fruits too in the day. I have almost completely avoided consuming junk foods and that has been life changing. And yeah, drinking a lot of water is my intrinsic character too.