Hi. What are the conditions to apply the structural equations modeling and path model ? I would like to know popular online resources for both models. Thanks
In addition to the resources listed above, you might look at Madhu Viswanathan's Measurement Error and Research Design (link is to to Kindle edition, which can be rented).
It was a great help to me in my dissertation (recommended to me by my chair, Dr. Amit Ghosh).
An excellent resource is John Loehlin's Latent Variable Models (2004) . This is one of the best and most readable resources out there.
Also, for an excellent SEM package, use the lavaan package in R (for more information about lavaan go to http://lavaan.ugent.be . Then work through the examples there.
The conditions vary, depending for example of the measurement level of the variables. For example, maximum likelihood estimation is for interval (or ratio) measurement level variables that are suposedd to be sampled form a multivariate normal distribution. But of couse you have other estimation method for ordinal level variables.
A good introduction could be fund here: http://ncme.org/linkservid/47EFEB5A-1320-5CAE-6EC90BFDF09AA39E/showMeta/0/