I'm looking for the tools to manipulate 3d point cloud data gathered from LiDAR sensor for further processing.
Things that i would like to have in these libraries:
- Live visualization many PCL's, like video with the possibility to draw geometries (I was trying before Open3D for python but i couldn't do live visualization)
-Tools for processing PCL data, extracting features , applying machine learning algorithms
I'm currently working on detection of moving objects with data from 3D LiDAR so I would be thankful for any sugestions and tips from experienced people in this field.
A short video presenting final version of moving object detection project: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPIRaX2oA8E&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR2BRNShe_idwBodkz2q1UmOQd9rdpkErVbStHo_l5THTk51uYrI9UekHc0