We have got InSituCellDeathDetectionKit_Roche for TUNEL staining assay in intestinal tissue sections. What are the alternatives for proteinase K permeabilization? Can we use trypsin instead and how to proceed with it?
Prepare trypsin buffer containing 0.25%-0.5% trypsin in 0.01 M HCl.
You may incubate the dewaxed and rehydrated tissue sections with trypsin buffer for 8-10 minutes. Rinse with PBS two times for five minutes each. Then proceed to the next step.
Hi Malcolm Nobre . Thank you for your reply. How to prepare the Dnase 1 recombinant reagent. We have rDNase 1 - 1000 U/ml. How much rDNase 1 and BSA do we require for the positive control? Thanks in advance.