Among the extracted enzymes are Supplemental enzymes; enzymes that have been extracted in some manner, from either plants, animals, or fungi, and are given in addition to a normal diet. Pepsin (an enzyme that breaks down proteins) was among the first enzymes used by doctors to aid with protein digestion. Pepsin is extracted from the stomach of pigs and requires a very low pH (acid) to be used by the body. It is also used in skin products for exfoliation and is the active ingredient in meat tenderizers. Another enzyme supplement, Ox Bile, is made from the pancreas of slaughterhouse animals, which can not only digest proteins, but carbohydrate and fats as well. However, these pancreatic enzymes work best in a high pH (alkaline) environment, which is present in the duodenum. Pancreatic enzymes will not work in the acidic stomach and don't perform pre-digestion. There is little need to take these supplemental enzymes for digestive purposes. In order for supplemental enzymes to be effective, they must be able to help with pre-digestion in the upper stomach (fundus). The digestive enzymes protease, amylase, cellulase and lipase work throughout the entire digestive system. Commercially available biologically active enzymes are produced through various means. Fungi, yeast, and bacteria make up the bulk of the sources of enzymes, with animals and plants making up the remainer. Enzymes are used mostly for industrial processes, many in the food industry, but are also used in chemical analysis and clinical diagnosis. The Japanese have developed protected proprietary methods for extracting protease, amylase, cellulase and lipase from fungi by introducing yeasts and non toxic bacteria into plant materials. The strains Aspergillus orzae and Aspergillus Niger used in the fermentation of plant enzymes, have been tested to be free of mycotoxins (toxins produced by fungi). Some enzymes are cultured microbes that have been screened for desirable characteristics. All commercially available enzymes undergo a thorough purification process to ensure their safety.
Most everyone has an enzyme deficiency to one degree or another. Because we eat so much cooked, processed and refined food, we must supplement our body’s' natural production of enzymes required for digestion. If we do not, then the food we eat will not be completely digested and the by-products of incompletely digested food will be deposited in areas of our body where it can create toxicity. This can lead to declining health, contribute to the development of obesity and chronic conditions, and impair immune system functioning.*
Cooked foods cause drastic changes in the size and appearance of the pituitary gland. Research has found that enzymes affect our hormone producing glands and hormones influence our enzyme levels. The causes that are associated with hormonal imbalances in the endocrine system have been shown to respond favorably to enzyme therapy.* The lack of metabolic enzymes will definitely affect the secretions of the pituitary gland, which could lead to insomnia. Producing enzymes to assist in the digestion of enzyme depleted cooked food eventually depletes the pancreas and strains the ability of the thyroid and pituitary gland to produce metabolic and systemic enzymes that are needed to detoxify, build and repair the body. As a result our body becomes sluggish and weight is gained. Raw food calories are relatively non-stimulating to glands and stabilize body weight more so than cooked food calories.
There is a connection between the strength of our immune system and our enzyme level. The more enzymes we have, the stronger our immune system will be and the healthier and stronger we will be. For example, leukocytes (white blood cells) have eight (8) different amylase enzymes which assists the white blood cell to engulf foreign substances and reduce them to a form that the body can eliminate. Research has shown that leukocytes increase after one has eaten a cooked meal. This indicates a definite compensatory measure on the part of the body to transport more enzymes to the digestive tract for digestion. There is no increase in leukocytes after one has consumed a raw food meal. Research has shown that enzymes are related to all diseases via the immune system, whether the disease is acute or chronic. If the pancreatic output of enzymes is hindered, the whole body is affected. Therefore, we must eat raw foods or take supplemental enzymes to enable our body's immune system to fight against infections.
Enzymes Help Prevent Arterial Plaque
Three British researchers tested the enzymes in individuals with atherosclerosis to find the relationship between cholesterol and clogged arteries. They found that all enzymes studied became progressively weaker in the arteries as persons became older and also as the hardening became more severe. These researchers believe that a shortage of enzymes is part of a mechanism, which allows cholesterol deposits to accumulate in the inner part of the arterial walls (intima).
Hormonal imbalances in the endocrine system have been shown to respond favorably to enzyme therapy.* The lack of metabolic enzymes will definitely affect the secretions of the pituitary gland, which could lead to insomnia.
Type II Diabetes (adult onset) normally responds better to enzyme therapy than Type I juvenile).* Research has shown that when there is a lack of blood amylase, blood sugar levels can be higher than normal. When the enzyme amylase is administered, blood sugar levels drop significantly.* One researcher showed that 86% of the diabetics that he examined had a deficiency of amylase in their intestinal secretions. He administered amylase to a majority of these patients, and found that 50% of the diabetics who were users of insulin could control their blood sugar levels without the use of insulin.* Amylase may help with storage and utilization of sugar in the blood.* Another researcher found that cooked starch foods, where amylase and other enzymes are destroyed, caused the blood sugar levels to rise significantly one-half hour after ingestion. After two hours the cooked food starch eaters' blood sugar level fell quickly and significantly. This resulted in fatigue, anxiety, and sluggishness. In comparison, the raw starch eaters' brood sugar levels only experienced a slight rise and drop. These patients experienced a much more steady metabolic rate and emotional stability. Many diabetics could lower their insulin requirements if they would eat raw foods and take plant enzyme supplements.
Another field which uses enzymes and hormones is forensic medical pathology:
An example of this use is illustrated in the following abstract taken from a publication entitled "The analysis of hormones and enzymes extracted from endocrine glands of the neck region in deaths due to hanging " :
Am J Forensic Med Pathol. 2008 Mar;29(1):49-54. doi: 10.1097/PAF.0b013e31815b4c80.
The analysis of hormones and enzymes extracted from endocrine glands of the neck region in deaths due to hanging.
Senol E1, Demirel B, Akar T, Gülbahar O, Bakar C, Bukan N.
Author information
Our study was designed to determine whether the hormone and enzyme levels that we have mentioned in serum specimens can be used in postmortem examinations of the cases of hanging or not. Our research includes the postmortem results of the thyroid tissue pathologic examinations, serum levels of triiodothyronine (fT3), thyroxine (fT4), thyrotropin (TSH), thyroglobulin, parathormone (PTH), calcitonin, and amylase in cases of death due to hanging. The mean of fT3 and thyroglobulin levels were higher in hanging cases than those of sudden death cases.
The list of the use of extracted enzymes and hormones is very long and these two classes of compounds are heavily utilized in the biochemistry labs for evaluating health status. However, I found the following paper of special interest that may interest you too:
Enzyme immunoassays as a method for quantifying hair reproductive hormones in two felid species
C. V. Terwissen1,*, G. F. Mastromonaco2 and D. L. Murray
Non-invasive monitoring of wild felid reproductive states is important, given that many species reproduce poorly in captivity. Despite extensive work in faecal hormone analysis in felids, continued development of techniques is necessary, particularly with wild populations. In this study, our aims were as follows: (i) biochemical validation of enzyme immunoassays for estrogen, testosterone and progesterone in Canada lynx and domestic cat hair extracts; (ii) assessment of the use of hair reproductive hormones to differentiate between reproductive states (intact, estrus, pregnant and spayed/neutered), using domestic cats as a model; and (iii) assessment of the use of hair reproductive hormones to differentiate between age and sex, accounting for potential regional variability in wild lynx populations. Analysis of hair hormone levels showed prospective value in detecting pregnancy states, with pregnant domestic cats having higher levels of progesterone than spayed females. However, intact and pregnant cats did not differ in progesterone levels. Yet, two female domestic cats had higher levels of hair progesterone following a 38-day oral progestin treatment, perhaps providing a preliminary pharmacological validation of the method. Estrogen and testosterone did not differ statistically according to reproductive states of domestic cats, although intact males had higher levels of hair testosterone than neutered males. When we applied these techniques to lynx fur, we determined that hormone levels were not sufficiently precise to differentiate age classes. Hair reproductive hormone ratios differed between sexes, with the estrogen-to-progesterone ratio demonstrating the highest accuracy in differentiating males from females. Hair hormone levels differed regionally for wild lynx, indicating that spatial variability should be a consideration in wildlife hormone studies spanning large spatial scales. We conclude that use of hair hormone analysis by enzyme immunoassay may hold promise for differentiating sex in felids, but the technique will require further refinement and validation before it can be applied broadly and reliably.
Among the extracted enzymes are Supplemental enzymes; enzymes that have been extracted in some manner, from either plants, animals, or fungi, and are given in addition to a normal diet. Pepsin (an enzyme that breaks down proteins) was among the first enzymes used by doctors to aid with protein digestion. Pepsin is extracted from the stomach of pigs and requires a very low pH (acid) to be used by the body. It is also used in skin products for exfoliation and is the active ingredient in meat tenderizers. Another enzyme supplement, Ox Bile, is made from the pancreas of slaughterhouse animals, which can not only digest proteins, but carbohydrate and fats as well. However, these pancreatic enzymes work best in a high pH (alkaline) environment, which is present in the duodenum. Pancreatic enzymes will not work in the acidic stomach and don't perform pre-digestion. There is little need to take these supplemental enzymes for digestive purposes. In order for supplemental enzymes to be effective, they must be able to help with pre-digestion in the upper stomach (fundus). The digestive enzymes protease, amylase, cellulase and lipase work throughout the entire digestive system. Commercially available biologically active enzymes are produced through various means. Fungi, yeast, and bacteria make up the bulk of the sources of enzymes, with animals and plants making up the remainer. Enzymes are used mostly for industrial processes, many in the food industry, but are also used in chemical analysis and clinical diagnosis. The Japanese have developed protected proprietary methods for extracting protease, amylase, cellulase and lipase from fungi by introducing yeasts and non toxic bacteria into plant materials. The strains Aspergillus orzae and Aspergillus Niger used in the fermentation of plant enzymes, have been tested to be free of mycotoxins (toxins produced by fungi). Some enzymes are cultured microbes that have been screened for desirable characteristics. All commercially available enzymes undergo a thorough purification process to ensure their safety.
Most everyone has an enzyme deficiency to one degree or another. Because we eat so much cooked, processed and refined food, we must supplement our body’s' natural production of enzymes required for digestion. If we do not, then the food we eat will not be completely digested and the by-products of incompletely digested food will be deposited in areas of our body where it can create toxicity. This can lead to declining health, contribute to the development of obesity and chronic conditions, and impair immune system functioning.*
Cooked foods cause drastic changes in the size and appearance of the pituitary gland. Research has found that enzymes affect our hormone producing glands and hormones influence our enzyme levels. The causes that are associated with hormonal imbalances in the endocrine system have been shown to respond favorably to enzyme therapy.* The lack of metabolic enzymes will definitely affect the secretions of the pituitary gland, which could lead to insomnia. Producing enzymes to assist in the digestion of enzyme depleted cooked food eventually depletes the pancreas and strains the ability of the thyroid and pituitary gland to produce metabolic and systemic enzymes that are needed to detoxify, build and repair the body. As a result our body becomes sluggish and weight is gained. Raw food calories are relatively non-stimulating to glands and stabilize body weight more so than cooked food calories.
There is a connection between the strength of our immune system and our enzyme level. The more enzymes we have, the stronger our immune system will be and the healthier and stronger we will be. For example, leukocytes (white blood cells) have eight (8) different amylase enzymes which assists the white blood cell to engulf foreign substances and reduce them to a form that the body can eliminate. Research has shown that leukocytes increase after one has eaten a cooked meal. This indicates a definite compensatory measure on the part of the body to transport more enzymes to the digestive tract for digestion. There is no increase in leukocytes after one has consumed a raw food meal. Research has shown that enzymes are related to all diseases via the immune system, whether the disease is acute or chronic. If the pancreatic output of enzymes is hindered, the whole body is affected. Therefore, we must eat raw foods or take supplemental enzymes to enable our body's immune system to fight against infections.
Enzymes Help Prevent Arterial Plaque
Three British researchers tested the enzymes in individuals with atherosclerosis to find the relationship between cholesterol and clogged arteries. They found that all enzymes studied became progressively weaker in the arteries as persons became older and also as the hardening became more severe. These researchers believe that a shortage of enzymes is part of a mechanism, which allows cholesterol deposits to accumulate in the inner part of the arterial walls (intima).
Hormonal imbalances in the endocrine system have been shown to respond favorably to enzyme therapy.* The lack of metabolic enzymes will definitely affect the secretions of the pituitary gland, which could lead to insomnia.
Type II Diabetes (adult onset) normally responds better to enzyme therapy than Type I juvenile).* Research has shown that when there is a lack of blood amylase, blood sugar levels can be higher than normal. When the enzyme amylase is administered, blood sugar levels drop significantly.* One researcher showed that 86% of the diabetics that he examined had a deficiency of amylase in their intestinal secretions. He administered amylase to a majority of these patients, and found that 50% of the diabetics who were users of insulin could control their blood sugar levels without the use of insulin.* Amylase may help with storage and utilization of sugar in the blood.* Another researcher found that cooked starch foods, where amylase and other enzymes are destroyed, caused the blood sugar levels to rise significantly one-half hour after ingestion. After two hours the cooked food starch eaters' blood sugar level fell quickly and significantly. This resulted in fatigue, anxiety, and sluggishness. In comparison, the raw starch eaters' brood sugar levels only experienced a slight rise and drop. These patients experienced a much more steady metabolic rate and emotional stability. Many diabetics could lower their insulin requirements if they would eat raw foods and take plant enzyme supplements.
Another field which uses enzymes and hormones is forensic medical pathology:
An example of this use is illustrated in the following abstract taken from a publication entitled "The analysis of hormones and enzymes extracted from endocrine glands of the neck region in deaths due to hanging " :
Am J Forensic Med Pathol. 2008 Mar;29(1):49-54. doi: 10.1097/PAF.0b013e31815b4c80.
The analysis of hormones and enzymes extracted from endocrine glands of the neck region in deaths due to hanging.
Senol E1, Demirel B, Akar T, Gülbahar O, Bakar C, Bukan N.
Author information
Our study was designed to determine whether the hormone and enzyme levels that we have mentioned in serum specimens can be used in postmortem examinations of the cases of hanging or not. Our research includes the postmortem results of the thyroid tissue pathologic examinations, serum levels of triiodothyronine (fT3), thyroxine (fT4), thyrotropin (TSH), thyroglobulin, parathormone (PTH), calcitonin, and amylase in cases of death due to hanging. The mean of fT3 and thyroglobulin levels were higher in hanging cases than those of sudden death cases.
The list of the use of extracted enzymes and hormones is very long and these two classes of compounds are heavily utilized in the biochemistry labs for evaluating health status. However, I found the following paper of special interest that may interest you too:
Enzyme immunoassays as a method for quantifying hair reproductive hormones in two felid species
C. V. Terwissen1,*, G. F. Mastromonaco2 and D. L. Murray
Non-invasive monitoring of wild felid reproductive states is important, given that many species reproduce poorly in captivity. Despite extensive work in faecal hormone analysis in felids, continued development of techniques is necessary, particularly with wild populations. In this study, our aims were as follows: (i) biochemical validation of enzyme immunoassays for estrogen, testosterone and progesterone in Canada lynx and domestic cat hair extracts; (ii) assessment of the use of hair reproductive hormones to differentiate between reproductive states (intact, estrus, pregnant and spayed/neutered), using domestic cats as a model; and (iii) assessment of the use of hair reproductive hormones to differentiate between age and sex, accounting for potential regional variability in wild lynx populations. Analysis of hair hormone levels showed prospective value in detecting pregnancy states, with pregnant domestic cats having higher levels of progesterone than spayed females. However, intact and pregnant cats did not differ in progesterone levels. Yet, two female domestic cats had higher levels of hair progesterone following a 38-day oral progestin treatment, perhaps providing a preliminary pharmacological validation of the method. Estrogen and testosterone did not differ statistically according to reproductive states of domestic cats, although intact males had higher levels of hair testosterone than neutered males. When we applied these techniques to lynx fur, we determined that hormone levels were not sufficiently precise to differentiate age classes. Hair reproductive hormone ratios differed between sexes, with the estrogen-to-progesterone ratio demonstrating the highest accuracy in differentiating males from females. Hair hormone levels differed regionally for wild lynx, indicating that spatial variability should be a consideration in wildlife hormone studies spanning large spatial scales. We conclude that use of hair hormone analysis by enzyme immunoassay may hold promise for differentiating sex in felids, but the technique will require further refinement and validation before it can be applied broadly and reliably.