In tonsil we normally use CD3 and CD19 to help stain the overall cross section. If I was looking at a cross section of the liver, what antibodies should I use to help me see the overall strucutre?
The liver is composed of large polygonal hepatocytes in a lobular pattern intermixed with portal spaces containing bile ducts. A simple hematoxylin-eosin stain is generally a good standard to visualize the overall structure. In some pathological conditions, immunohistochemical stainings may be helpful. Some keratins, as cytokeratin 7 and 19, are exclusively expressed by bile duct elements , while normal hepatocytes are negative for these markers. The hepatocytic peripheral periportal lamina might be positive for cytokeratin 7 in cholatostasis and inflammatory diseases of biliary tree. Cam 5.2 keratin cocktail stains brightly the normal hepatocytes sparing normal bile ducts which only express AE1 keratin cocktail. These immunohistochemical results are analogous to those observed in neoplastic conditions and may be used in differential diagnosis between hepatocarcinomas and cholangiocarcinomas.