Offshore drilling operations create various forms of pollution that have considerable negative effects on marine and other wildlife. These include drilling muds, brine wastes, deck runoff water and flowline and pipeline leaks. Catastrophic spills and blowouts are also a threat from offshore drilling operations.
Offshore drilling operations create various forms of pollution that have considerable negative effects on marine and other wildlife. These include drilling muds, brine wastes, deck runoff water and flowline and pipeline leaks. Catastrophic spills and blowouts are also a threat from offshore drilling operations.
Offshore oil and gas wells can cause a lot of polution especially when there is an oil spill. This affects marine life in diverse ways. During construction, pollution could also occur from different sources. Metal filings and drilling fluids exposed to the sea water, and noise from the drilling process.
The marine environment, through the forms of marine pollution from toxins that destroy the sources of marine life, continues to be more and more seriously affected. This raises the level of concern and calls for the adoption of stricter commitments on the part of States to confront this crime committed against both nature and humanity.