There are several ways to do this. Install reliable and updated anti-virus program on all computers. Make sure firewalls are setup and configured properly. Researchers, What are the best deeper options to handle this security and management?
There is a different point that has nothing to do with insurance operations but with officials. It is security awareness. When the official is aware of the ways that he can attack from hackers, especially the primitive and famous methods, this will help him a lot to secure the network responsible and avoid any problems later
ECC is a lightweight method in which a random point from a curve has been selected and concatenated with the user's credentials and passed to the other peers, there the random point then subtracted form the credentials using public key.
But discrete logarithmic problem is a method in which a group g, secret key x be chosen and public key be calculated using g=ax , these three parameters are used for securely sending of message among peers.
Another method called bi-linear map in which a random number p belongs to Z and q also belong to z should be extracted from two multiplicative and additive groups respectively. Let G1 and G2 are two groups G1 x G2 = p belong to Z, G1 + G2 = q also belong to z, whereas p and q are public keys while a random number x is chosen called private key are used for sending information over the network.
Many methods are used but the aforementioned are lightweight and secure. If you need help, I am ready to guide you.
Check list: - change standard passwords - remove unused users & guest - remove unneeded services (f.e.Wi-Fi, bluetooth) - block unneeded ports - update software (on network devices like routers, firewalls etc) - use smart firewall settings to enable the needed services and block unwanted traffic. Last but not least test your network by periodic pentesting.