11 November 2013 12 381 Report

I run a western blot for iNOS using GAPDH as my housekeeping protein. I used ECL, following manufacturer's protocol, exposed it with X-ray film for 5 min, and got a very pretty band for the iNOS, but not quite good with the GAPDH. I re-exposed the membrane longer for 10 min, but the bands were fainter. So, I decided on adding fresh ECL, then re-exposed the membrane for 10 min. Still, the bands were fainter. I incubated the membrane in TBST at 4'C overnight. The following day, I place fresh ECL exposed it for 10 mins, but the nothing was detected. As in NOTHING. Not even a slight background. The film was crystal clear. Tried it a couple of times, but no success. I decided to re-probe the membrane - w/o stripping w/ the 2ndary antibody. Washed it then exposed it for 10 min. Still NOTHING. What I did next is to repeat the blocking w/ 5% milk, incubate it w/ the primary and secondary antibody again, w/o stripping the membrane. Still no success in seeing any signal from the same membrane.

Does anyone have a thought on what's going on here? I had produced a very decent band for the protein on the first run, but to no avail in the succeeding exposures. Will appreciate any suggestions or thoughts regarding this.

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