Haimson and Fairhurst (1967) derived equations for the near-wellbore stresses (axial σyy, tangential σθθ, radial σrr...) around a pressurized hole in a porous, permeable "poroelastic" medium considering fluid infiltration from the borehole into the surrounding rock. Their expressions include Biot's constant, A which depends on the Biot poroelastic coefficient, αB.

Should at αB = 1.0 those expressions give the same answer as when using the standard near-wellbore stress equations for linearly elastic media (the Kirsch solutions modified later by Hubbert and Willis to incorporate pp, on pages 170 and 174 in Zoback, 2010)? I was of the impression that the answer will be "yes" but the math seems to prove me wrong.

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