Proton, Neutron, are having mass while electrons are massless hence the nuclear of atom is only giving weight of atom, hence the electric field or electric field type would not effect or change the weight of matter much. Though grains orientation of matter would changed but would not effect the weight much…..
It is worth attaching the following story to your answer:
I had an accident 18 days ago (04.06.2024): I fell on my back from a height of 2-2.5 m to the ground because the ladder below me broke. I'm 63 years old, but I got through it without any major injuries. I had at least 10 bad nights of sleep. This stage suggested me that my concept about graviti is wrong.
But before of week I have saw this article:
(and it has YouTube film:
Thinking about what importance has this experiment, It has given me idea a very simple experiment (I have never heard of this experiment)
If the experiment can be described in an acceptable form, it will be shared on Researchgat tomorrow.
My concept of gravity stands or falls on the result of this experiment...
Here is another experiment which also can give a response to your question:
you are very lucky please dont use untrustable material such as weak ladder from market
i am married now and not like hurt as your accident but after marriage i am falling down about science everyday now : ) and bad economics as same for all people around world
whatever science is our happiness
here is comparison about same age different tree species
Falling from a fig tree, even from a height of one meter, is the most dangerous thing. Because the branches are thick and have a large diameter, the sliding hand shifts the center of gravity horizontally while falling, and this rotation and increased resultant force (vert. + horisontal) causes more damage than vertical free falling
we dont know exactly velocity of earth core how fast may be inner rounds turning more fast
turning magnets can make boiling water
maybe turning inner core responsible from 10 g moon gravity force weak with same material rock class
for beginning of life velocity of inner core must important too
some of outerterrestrial with only trees and 50 g ? or what is limit of gravity force beginning of life
we must look and discuss together
i hope all bad people include if i am too earth push away us from ground to space with reverse gravity : )
for Dezso Sarkadi experiment 1 oxygen and some other gases in the bottle has magnetic and static electric sensivity
turning wheel in atmosphere condition(it will increase static electricity)
2 materials have directed magnetic and static electricity lineation even at plastic and metal contamination
both wheel and pendelum must be in vacuum
pendelum rod must divided and stick again with opposite fabric lineations as 3 or 4 part
and wheel has free electron current and metal new Dezco Sarkadi experiment need lead armor case
after developments results can be very interesting
I have got ready with the short presentation of the proposed experiment: 'Egyszerű kísérlet egy EM–gravitációs elmélet alátámasztására' (A simple experiment to support an EM gravity theory), now:
Research Proposal Egyszerű kísérlet egy EM-gravitációs elmélet alátámasztására
(It is in Hungarian. But I think it can be read with a good translator... I didn't do an English translation, because it would still be worthwhile to mature)
I accept your opinion, which you wrote about the experiment of Sarkad Dezső.
Dear Laszlo i will read hungarian research proposal with more attention
beautiful language i read last nigth but i will again (some work about thesis at todays) but quickly i think last nigth
we need to find something reference material which must be being non- magnetic is there any most non magnetic material at world ? and its density weigth ? or can we create with structural construction as directed to earth magnetic lineation? or opposite concave as magnetic leviation
Could it be theoretical? The Moon has opposing convex magnetic field lineation, or sits in a weak magnetic field vortex gap at the closing edge of two opposing magnetic field folds where two opposing magnetic lineaments are oppositely twisted in to the earth core. then during full moon at exact top and vertical to us weigth how changing (different than tidal)
we must check weigths at earth how changing before and after time as few day or 5 day of during full moon period ?
it is very interesting its similar to swedish some i know swedish people and hungarians coming from toran area as you hungarian can you understand swedish similar with hungarian ?
There are several minor errors in the Hungarian text... Therefore, it is not certain that you can translate it well.
That's why I made an English translation (that's when I discovered the mistakes): and attached it to the article as a comment.
Here is the English Translation:
3./ Brief description of the experiment
If we take a straight rod S of mass m1, if it is the longer is better... We design it in such a way that to it can be connected an object of mass P m2 at one end. The emphasis is on making the S rod as long as possible, and its average density is much less than the average density of the P object. It would be good if the material structure (cross-section, density) of the S bar were almost the same everywhere. It is very important to carry out the measurement with a scale whose position remains unchanged throughout the entire experiment...
The experiment has at least two variations (figure): [you will found the picture in the article, centre of page 2.]
I./ Place a rod S (e.g. bamboo) with a platinum object P at the end in a vertical state on a scale:
a.) In case the object P is on the side of the rod that is in contact with the scale. In this position, the total weight we measure will be m'.
b.) On the second occasion, the bar S is placed vertically on the scale so that the object P is at the farthest point from the scale. In case of measurement, the combined weight will be m".
II./ We use the tools used in the previous case. We measure separately the weight of the body P directly on the soil surface (Figure 2 b.), whose weight will be m2, and the rod S, which will load the scale with m1, and use the measurement result of point b.) of the previous variation.
4./ Evaluation of the 'expected measurement result 'of the experiment
If in the first case the following result is obtained: m' is not equal to m", m' > m", or in the second case the weight of the body P (m2) shows a discrepancy based on the two measurements, then the already mentioned electromagnetic-gravitational idea is correct.
On the other hand, this experiment can also be used in the case of Einstein's theory of gravity.
5./ Conclusion:
If a positive result is obtained during the presented experiment, then it is worth taking seriously the electromagnetic-gravitational theory, according to which the existence of gravitational waves and gravitons is a natural thing.
As seen before the previous statement, the result of this experiment can be equally useful for Einstein's general theory of relativity. Another prediction of the experiment: it can show a more evident result if it is carried out in the southern or northern poles of the Earth.
Remark for the English translation:
In Hungarian description were observed some mirror errors which were eliminated from the English translation. (The translation was made in hurry using Deepl Translator and Google Translate. The translation was corrected onto base of my English knowledge)
Important for this experiment: the next article:
Article Fizikailag-metafizikailag bizonyítható a graviton létezése
'we need to find something reference material which must be being non- magnetic is there any most non magnetic material at world ? and its density weigth ? or can we create with structural construction as directed to earth magnetic lineation? or opposite concave as magnetic leviation
Could it be theoretical? The Moon has opposing convex magnetic field lineation, or sits in a weak magnetic field vortex gap at the closing edge of two opposing magnetic field folds where two opposing magnetic lineaments are oppositely twisted in to the earth core. then during full moon at exact top and vertical to us weigth how changing (different than tidal)
we must check weigths at earth how changing before and after time as few day or 5 day of during full moon period ?'
These are very difficult and special questions!
I would like to know what Emmanouil Markoulakis would answer. This is his specialty.
Hi Emmanouil we discussing about has it possibility : gravity as a result of magnetic field of earth ? core dynamics under accception
some material can possible for test if they exist : 1 what is the most non magnetic material on earth answer: nothing because every atom types has electron and they are pulls by magnetic field gravity has same constant for every mass then g force must same for single electron or two electron therefore during orbital binds with different master atom coalescences , or magnetic or non magnetic element mass pulls by gravity together with theirself orbital electrons. (if even we accept atomic nucleus non magnetic and gravity free then still orbital electrons affect by magnetic field of earth or gravity as gravitational free fall)
At the result magnetic field can be one of the reasons of gravity
Laszlo and me looking possible to theory electromagnetic field can be reason of gravity .
but can we create (magnetic by the reason of electrons) passive or dynamic structure can leviate in vacuum conditions at magnetic field of earth ?
In last four days I was sick again Covid, pollen allergy (?); I do not know.
The experiment mentioned earlier has been further thought through. Its writing is done.
It leads to some very interesting conclusions. There is no one to review it linguistically, I will share it together with the English translation when it is ready.
Acar's question can now be better understood...
and Emmanouil's following statement:
'(...) Especially, when you take into consideration contrary to the general believe, that free magnetism always attracts and never repels
provide additional support for theory of electromagnetic-gravity
But the primary matter, which I have called a priori entity, is essentially electric in nature and to it can be associated magnetism and gravity.
If the experiment in question could be carried out and it would give a result corresponding to the prediction, then the theory would receive practical confirmation.
Dear Laszlo your sentence But the primary matter, which I have called a priori entity, is essentially electric in nature and to it can be associated magnetism and gravity. i think exactly rigth
if friction making yawn on orbital paths of relevant orbital electrons but not let the jump other energy orbital levels that chaos is electric field if expand more on big scale then new metamorphology is magnetic field
i think Emmanouil Markoulakis saying same magnetic incoherent noise field
sorry about late answer some works very heavy at the same time