01 January 2017 2 905 Report


what we already know is, that idea of aether of Aristotle imagined it is of course nonsense. It was a nice idea about what space might be when he imagined it to be like a liquid in which things swim. I understand his thoughts... somehow... because it is at first sight really magical how things once we throw them or shot them can travel threw space without just falling to the ground like a heavy stone. So I have great sympathy for Aristotle and his idea. The questions he was asking at his time... the creativity in his explanations... there is something which I really love: Aristotle once stated by thinking about how live develops and how mice come into being that mice consist of bacon and rag. This is just a wonderful story. Today we are smiling about it. But I guess he was really serious when stating this.

It is an essential question to ask what it is that makes things travel through space like that.

One solution was the idea that an object travels through a medium. It is this idea which helped develope terms like inertia and buoyancy. Still today all those terms are in one or another way indeed connected to the aether. Funny if you think about it, isn't it?

Newton was the first to realize that it is not a medium causing those trajectories but rather a force, or let's better say: The property overcoming this force.

Today there is no doubt that an aether filled with substance does not exist. And so we replaced it by the term vacuum. Experiments trying to prove aether failed. No term romping about aether (like inertia or buoyancy) was able to tell us more about it then what aether is not. And yet all terms are a result of this nothingness, this ghost we are hunting.

Now... If all those experiments show us that there is no aether and indeed there is no aether, then any experiment trying to prove aether (null hypothesis) will show no results at all or experiments which prove an aether will later on turn out to be wrong, right?

If you think about it: When Einstein is stating now that it is space which bends isn't he in fact stating that it is aether which bends? And isn't he stating than it is the nothingness which bends?

It seem to be a contradiction that Einstein revives aether for the sake of mathematical fit by simply copying from Lorentz (and I guess we all know that Lorentz dealed with the idea of aether). I am not saying that Einstein's work is not able to produce postulations and statements and somehow seems to work. But I am saying that there is a fundamental failure in thinking. And if this is true there must be an explanation with a better fit then what Einstein produced coming up with a deeper truth then trying to tell us it is nothingness which bends, right?

What do you think? Maybe Einstein's work is just a piece of bacon hurled into a piece of rag?!

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