Hello group,

Has any one attempted to use coverslip thickness glass slides rather than standard glass slides for attaching formalin fixed paraffin embedded tissues slices obtained after slicing a paraffin block?

Following immunostaining my goal is to look at sub-cellular (mitochondria) structures and with the current approach of putting tissues on glass slides and imaging using a 63X objective on a confocal all I see is a smear of stain in the cytoplasm. I feel that putting tissues on a coverslip thickness glass slide will the best option but very tricky also. This brings to series of questions

1) Are there special charged coverslip thickness slides available for this purpose so that the tissue sticks properly?

2) Is there an insert available in which the coverslip thickness slide could be slipped so that it won't break during successive handling steps.

3) What is your preferred aqueous mounting medium that would prevent photobleaching?

I will be happy to hear your thoughts on my relevant points or if you have a methodology for imaging sub-cellular structures.



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