I am currently using the unmarked package in R to estimate factors influencing occupancy and detection for the common opossum.

In some papers, i see the covariate delta β, however not in others. Whether the covariate/s positively or negatively affect occupancy or detection rates.

How/where do I obtain this value?????

Example information from occupancy model and back Transform function.

Model plotting:


occu(formula = ~Trail + Elevation ~ 1, data = wt)


Estimate SE z P(>|z|)

0.337 0.326 1.03 0.302


Estimate SE z P(>|z|)

(Intercept) -0.703033 0.23172 -3.034 0.00241

Trail -0.015393 0.00649 -2.373 0.01764

Elevation -0.000428 0.00091 -0.471 0.63776

AIC: 362.2496

backTransform function:

Backtransformed linear combination(s) of Detection estimate(s)

Estimate SE LinComb (Intercept) Trail Elevation

0.331 0.0513 -0.703 1 0 0

Transformation: logistic

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