Hello everybody,

Let's copnsider the problem of linear regression, i.e. given a set of values (xk, yk), finding (a,b) that minimize:

sum_{k=1}^N (axk+b - yk)2

The solution to this problem leads to the well known formula for (a,b) in linear regression.

Now, on the paper linked below they introduce a measure of uncertainty on the slope a.


My questions are:

1. What is the rational beyond such an uncertainty? uncertainty with respect to what?

I would expect an uncertainty in (a) if the the value (xk,yk) come with some given uncertainty (DeltaX, DeltaY), but it does not seem to be the case.

2. Is there a way to extend the uncertainty formula for other types of regression, e.g. weighted linear regression?

with the latter I mean the values of (a,b) that minimize the following quadratic error:

sum_{k=1}^\infty wk (axk+b - yk)2

with wk > 0, sum wk = 1.

Thank you in advance!!!!

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