6 Questions 169 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Amaechi J. Anyaegbunam
I have downloaded the python software. My problem is how to obtain the interface where I can enter my program code. Secondly, where do I learn the python coding? Python programming seems so...
05 May 2019 8,078 5 View
By S.S. is meant simply supported beam. Could a researcher give me the solution and its reference. The solution for an undamped beam is available in Timoshenko and Young (1974) Vibration problems...
02 February 2019 6,094 4 View
What is the best method of extrapolating results of Finite element analysis using n1 and n2 element numbers to yield the approximately "exact" answer, w∞? Please refer to the attached pdf file for...
08 August 2015 823 5 View
How do I determine F and G the real and imaginary parts of the improper definite integral denoted by I? Could someone graciously provide me with tabulations of F and G for α = 0 to 2 for η = 0 and...
03 March 2015 7,991 17 View
It is accepted that given a 2nd order linear or nonlinear ODE au'' + bu' + cu where a, b,c can be functions of x,u,u' with the prime denoting derivative wrt x and that if initial values are...
09 September 2014 5,632 14 View
The solvability of ODEs with singular points with certain boundary values can be in doubt sometimes. It seems I am raising this issue for the first time.
04 April 2014 8,538 1 View