10 Questions 11 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Giuseppe Papari
Hello, I am studying graph-based SLAM from several papers, I struggle in understanding the concept of a virtual measurement zjk between two nodes xj and xk. I try to explain: SLAM (simultaneous...
03 March 2017 7,219 0 View
Hello everybody, Let's copnsider the problem of linear regression, i.e. given a set of values (xk, yk), finding (a,b) that minimize: sum_{k=1}^N (axk+b - yk)2 The solution to this problem leads...
02 February 2017 9,590 4 View
Dear All, I am relatively new in the field of Fimite element methods/Analysis, my employer is offering me to attend one to grow my knowledge in that area. Could you guys please mention the most...
10 October 2016 4,736 0 View
Hello, I was trying to solve the following system of PDEs analytically. Though it looks quite simple, I got stuck. Maybe someone can help me? dT1/dx = a * (T2-T1) dT2/dy = b * (T1-T2) with...
09 September 2016 4,045 6 View
I am simulating the motion of an ideal gas into a closed domain. The governing equations will be the following: 1. Continuity equation 2. Navier-Stokes equation 3. Gas state equation (p = R x rho...
07 July 2016 913 3 View
Hello everybody, The R&D department of my employer is interested in writing patents. I have an academic background, which means I know to make a new papers. I am referring of the whole process...
08 August 2015 7,809 3 View
Hello, I am looking for a tutorial/survey paper on object tracking algorithms from video sequences. I am interested in algorithms that are suitable for videos acquired form thermo-cameras (e.g no...
07 July 2015 10,064 0 View
Hello, Let us consider the classic random walk: x0 = 0, xn+1 = xn + rn, where rn are equally distributed zero-mean Gaussian random variables. It is well-known that the probability distribution of...
12 December 2014 7,057 6 View
A linear elastic spring is suspended on two extremes and it will stretch under its weight. How can I write down the differential equation for the the equilibrium configuration? And the exact PDE...
09 September 2014 1,495 4 View
I read on the literature that a replicator neural network is a particular feed-forward network which is trained by replicating input data points as desired outputs. This network is claimed to be...
01 January 1970 644 4 View