1. It is known that a tropical cyclone receives energy from the condensation of water, which is in the air in the form of gas (https://naukarus.com/globalnyy-tropicheskiy-tsiklogenez-i-27-sutochnye-variatsii-solnechnoy-aktivnosti).

2. Some scientists write that the release of hydrogen from the lithosphere (Syvorotkin V.L. "Hydrogen Degassing of the Earth: Natural Disasters and the Biosphere." Man and the Geosphere. Ed. I.V. Florinsky. New York: Nova Science Publisher, Inc., 2010, pp. 307–347) leads to an exothermic reaction of its oxidation. After that, the water formed as a result of this chemical reaction condenses and additional heat is released. In this case, a binary effect occurs.

3. The results of our research indicate that the release of methane from the lithosphere ) leads to an exothermic reaction of its oxidation. After that, the water formed as a result of this chemical reaction condenses and additional heat is released. In this case, a binary effect also occurs.

4. We have formulated the fourth source of energy. When water vapor condenses, the number of gas molecules in the air becomes smaller. The volume of water in the form of a liquid is 800 times less than the volume of water in the form of a gas. There is a vacuumization and a decrease in atmospheric pressure. In this case, the process of air convection is enhanced. This leads to an increase in the energy of condensation of water vapor.

5. We have formulated the fifth source of energy. As a result of the processes taking place in the Earth's mantle, local gravity anomalies are recorded. these anomalies have a short life cycle (several days). This is a scientifically documented fact. A change in free fall acceleration results in vertical air movement. Above the gravity anomaly with a negative sign, the air rises. According to calculations, the air rise velocity exceeds 2 m/s. Convection is getting stronger. The release of water vapor condensation energy into the atmosphere increases.

This list is not finished, I think.

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