To control the use of non biodegradable materials like different types of plastics, the elite people of the society should be trained so that others may follow them. Do you agree with that concept?
Definitely no. The elites in a society are generally made up of very few people who generally do not attend the mass of the people. In my opinion, we need to educate the people with the "stick and carrot" method. It is not difficult to calculate the national per capita consumption of splastics materials. So, if you consume more than the per-capita national consumption of plastic materials your tax on waste disposal will increase vice versa if your plastic consumption is less than per capita national consumption your tax on waste disposal will decrease.
Generally speaking, humans have a major responsibility to protect and safeguard the environment because they like future generations to enjoy the myriad benefits which nature offers : clean air, biodiversity, carbon storage and clean water. Non-degradable waste is a seriously threatening factor which requires immediate attention so much so the need for a global policy of waste management is felt more than ever before. Naturally, the enormity of the task requires an all out attempt including people from all walks of life. The main goals of the policy should be promoting biological recovery of waste and recycling of materials, enhancing energy uses of waste , and ensuring that the treatment and disposal of waste does not deteriorate the status quo.Therefore, as things stand right now, the education of the elite is not enough. The environment protection and waste management require the participation of public and private bodies as well. In recent years, the number of plants treating municipal waste has multiplied. Alternatively, Cooperation between municipalities in waste management in large cities has grown considerably. Furthermore, private companies are taking more effective measures for such matters as waste transport. At the same time, they are offering a broad range of environmental services .
With careful planning, cooperation, and education, we can help different players to make better use of non-biodegradable waste as a part of the global campaign for saving and preserving the environment in the 21st century.