I am going to study if the model introduced by Madhavaram & Hunt (https://goo.gl/uWu5kF) could be localized by modifications.

The modified model includes 9 parts which are hypothesized to have association and inter-correlation. In this regard, I am conducting a survey using a 5-point Likert-scale questionnaire including 32 questions. The parts of the model will be considered as separate variables in my analysis, each embeds 3 or 4 questions.

I use SPSS as my analyzing tool; and I would like to ask:

1- How can I combine those 3 or 4 questions (each are separate variables in SPSS: Qi-Qj) and make a new variable (indicator of each part of the model), so finally to get 9 variables (G1-G9)?

2- As far as I understand, my variables are ordinal so I have to use non-parametric analysis. Is it possible to use Ordinal Regression and then sketch a plan similar to Path Analysis (which I got it is a parametric tool)?

Thanks in advance for your time and consideration

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