The first one is to select the journal and review the guidelines just to be sure you follow some specific requirements and be sure you follow a scientific procedure that guarantee the results...
1. Have something interesting to say to the journal's audience.
2. Write about one main idea.
3. Work with a single co-author.
4. Email a brief synopsis of your idea to the journal editor before you decide to write your paper in full.
5. Show respect for the journal by conducting a thorough literature review of what has already been published in it that relates to your research topic and incorporating relevant articles.
6. Look for special editions that match your topic as this also short cuts the publication process.
7. Make sure your grammar and presentation are good quality as this is the first thing the reviewers will look at.
8. Write your title, abstract, introduction and conclusion well according to their subgenres as these will be read first and they sell your idea.
9. Have a realistic ambition about the quality of the journal you are aiming for based on the quality and significance of your research and your career stage.
10. Aim for a major rewrite. If you are successful, double your efforts to get published in this journal as you will be developing yourself as a writer as well as getting a publication.