The porosity of the liver fenestrated sinusoidal endothelial cells is all important in atherogenesis & lipoprotein metabolism. LSEC porosity balances dietary cholesterol with that synthesised by the liver, being transported in lipoproteins of different sizes (chylomicon remnants , VLDL, LDL & HDL cholesterol). Many other metabolic diseases such as diabetes, hepatic steatosis and fibrosis may also relate to LSEC fenestrations and porosity.

Simple tests are necessary to correlate cause and effect in the epidemiology and treatment of these porosity related diseases.

I applaud this exciting advance since it may confirm a role of LSEC porosity with multiple diseases, such as those related to autoimmunity.

For multiple clinical diagnoses , protein bound dyes such as ICG, BSP or other simple Liver Function Tests are required for hospital or epidemiolical scrutiny. This present description of super-resolution by optical microscopy may further confirm these dye tests as a true measure of LSEC porosity.

I am excited by this research method and predict fascinating future findings.

Robin Fraser, Pathology, University of Otago, Christchurch, NZ.

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