If there is a set of n points in a plan (with known x, y coordinates), can I use a numerical criterion to establish if two points are neighbours, given the definition of a neighbour for Voronoi diagrams or Gabriel graphs?

I am interested in a numerical/ computational criterion, based on x, y coordinates of the p1, p2 points to test if p1 is a neighbour of p2. I am not interested in determining or storing all the neighbours, just a test to verify the neighbouring property.

Of course, the test can involve not only the x, y coordinates of the p1, p2 points but also the other properties of the set (e.g. min or max distances to all the other points).

Or there is another algorithm for constructing a Voronoi neighbouring matrix (a matrix of adjacency) for the set of points?

keywords: Voronoi, adjacency matrix, Gabriel graph,

Delaunay triangulation, neighbouring criterion

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