This discussion results from ideas that have been growing in the back of my mind for about 30 years. The trigger that gave rise to the present post is a video by Dr. Sabine Hossenfelder called "Capitalism is good. Let me explain."

Turn, Turn, Turn – as everybody, from the Bible to singers like the Byrds and Australia’s Seekers, tells us … There’s a time for every purpose. Capitalism has served the world amazingly well but simply won’t work forever. I suppose that’s because it has to be combined with human nature. Everybody wants more and more dollars (or whatever their currency is). Can prices and wages keep increasing forever without getting out of control? What are we going to do about all those scammers who couldn’t care less if nobody gets their apple, egg, banana, or shoelaces? All the scammers care about is acquiring bigger and bigger piles of money for themselves.

For the human race’s own good, we’ll have to either get rid of human nature or get rid of money. I suppose becoming cyborgs that merge with AI would help discard our nature. But I think the increase in logic that comes with merging with artificial intelligence would only contribute to our desire to eliminate skyrocketing prices, equally skyrocketing wages, and illogical scamming (it's illogical since it assumes people really are the separate beings they appear to be).

Bernard Beitman, a visiting psychiatry and neurobehavioral sciences professor at the University of Virginia, says there is an invisible network that connects everyone and everything. There’s no evidence for this, but he’s not the first one to pursue this fringe line of thinking. Austrian biologist Paul Kammerer believed coincidences arise out of unknown forces, or waves, that he called seriality. He wrote a book on the subject in 1919. Albert Einstein even commented on it, saying it was “by no means absurd.” And in the 1950s, psychiatrist Carl Jung came up with a similar idea, his so-called synchronicity theory.

This "invisible network" might work this way - There's a fascinating idea which has been floating around in science for years. It says the universe may be a computer simulation. If this is true, reality would be the same as the apparently separate objects and events in a computer game being joined by electronic 1’s and 0’s. The linkage affects not just every part of space (including on Earth) but also every part of time, since physics says space and time can never be separated.

And the simulation needn't be the work of God or Little Green Men (or Women). Albert Einstein told us that space-time is curved (not only space but time too). This means time can loop around and any period of time can interact with any other. What we'd call the miracle-workers from future humanity could someday use this connection to the past and then use presently undreamt-of biotechnology to create man and woman in their image. In this way; the future humans would be the cause of the original humans but they’d obviously be the effect of those first humans too, having descended from them many thousands of years later and having endured changes to anatomy and physiology as a result of mutations and adaptations. “Adam” and “Eve” would likewise be cause and effect of unborn generations.

As a result of this invisible connection, you and I are the same person in many ways. When people realize that hurting others in any manner is the same as hurting yourself, the Golden Rule (treat others as you would like to be treated yourself) will spring to life and World Peace will be inevitable. Realization of our invisible/permanent interconnectedness would also be of great assistance in achieving post-economic sharing and cooperation.

Just because money has been making the world go around for thousands of years does not mean money must remain the way of the world forever. Idealistic and naïve as it appears, the future way of the world could be based on sharing and cooperation. This radical step seems to be possible because the human instinct to survive is much greater than other drives such as self-interest and greed. If money ceases to be an option, people will freely share and cooperate if that’s the only way to not merely ensure survival, but to actually improve everyone’s standard of living.

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