Dear researcher, could you please share me your experience?
My research is about mirRNA quantitative and qualitative study by PCR.
1. What is optimal miRNA concentration , for the further two step processes?
2. Which endogenous control do you consider the most suitable for Taqman mirna assays?
3. Before RT reaction do you perform preamlification reaction?
The set of reagents I am going to use for mirna quantitative and qualitative studies are:
1. TaqMan™ miRNA ABC Purification Kit - Human Panel A (Applied Biosystems™. ) – Cat. N 4473087
2. TaqMan® MicroRNA Reverse Transcription Kit Cat. N 4366596
3. TaqMan™ Universal PCR Master Mix- Cat. N 4304437
4. TaqMan® MicroRNA Assays- one tube assay
PCR machine- The Applied Biosystems® 7500 Real-Time PCR System.
Thanks in advance,