For any divine masters so to say any incarnate irrespective of religion human beings have to start under belief covering the faith without any of wavering mind .Religion ,prayer , even to go to the church or temple one must have a belief & an a faith an if any human being is lacking in this respect he will not be in a position to enjoy the grace of such atmosphere .
One may meet with an experience of Religion,prayer ,power of meditation,concentration ,breathing may help us to approach our religion under a belief . Power of prayer,Meditation ,concentration , may help us to go to the tuning of mind with a inner urge & divinity which may come to our help in the form of intuition , & sometime vibratory reaction & also the play of the nature which his fragrance .
Thank you, dear Mariano! Faith and freedom...It's very important to have both. Even in the situation of authoritarian system a true believer has God in his/her soul, which helps him/her survive and be a human being.
Hello Mariano, I remember we have disputed at some point on another occasion. Unfortunately, I might have to dispute with you again. I take criticisms in a very constructive ways if I was wrong. I hope you would do the same!
First, you haven't introduced your survey. What is the purpose and what is that you're trying to accomplish. Is there any inclusion/exclusion criteria?
Hypothetically, if someone pick up 'agnostic' or 'atheist' in your first question, his/her participation becomes nullified with the rest of your questions. The rest of the question wouldn't make sense to them. Despite such views; if everyone tries to answer, they would be giving wrong answers or it will make your survey biased.
In cross cultural surveys, there is always problem of interpretation. What the survey asks might be perceived differently. Despite simple survey, I thought the clarity was lacking:
"Do you believe that freedom is necessary to practice your religion/belief?" Freedom where? - within their countries or elsewhere? Will it make sense to you if the question was, 'do you believe that religious freedom should be upheld in all countries equally?'. In the former question, everyone might be affirmative, and in the later the same people might not!
What is first for you? - this question is not clear! Although I didn't really get this question - what if the answer was 'something else.'
Someone with agnostic or atheist view, it is difficult to answer this question: 'Are you happy with your religion/belief?' If they chose any one of them, this might perceived as a wrong answer.
In the above case, for example,
Are you happy with your religion - No
Are you happy with your belief - yes
You can try to fill in the rest of the two answers to see what meaning you get .
Finally, every religion in the world preaches, at least, the very same thing - i.e. Mercy and goodness are teachings/part of their religion/belief. This introduces a selection bias, in statistical terms.
I suspect that you will have several bias your questions. I am not an epidemiologist. Certainly there is a room for improvement with regards to your survey! Good luck!
Thanks for comments. In some questions of the survey I have asked about "your religion/belief", this is a form of no excluding to anyone, because an Atheist can have not religion but a belief it is clear that yes. Have a religion and be Atheist is a logical contradiction in the majority of religions. A religion without divinity is not understandable, I think.
I am also very happy with my religion. Mercy and goodness with all ones are teachings of my Catholic religion. Thank you for your voluntary participation.
I think that, in fact, it is about contributing. Not only with research focused on religion but with all research on content that we can contribute! Whoever is a researcher knows the difficulties of getting enough answers to validate the research. In this way, I never cease to answer - or justify - all the research in which I am invited to participate. Greetings!
Thank you, Osmar and other contributors. I have participated in several surveys of other researchers too. It is a pleasure to can help to others. I intent do not do it hard to answer. For example, a survey with 50 questions is fatigous, but a survey with 5 questions of simple answer is not a hard work to participate in it. This takes 1 minute in completing it.
I think all religions preach peace and happiness. But it is we humans who divide people on religious lines and then want to reap benefits (?) - Political basically.
Thank you, Vibha. This survey has been a continuation of other precedent of researchers. Of the five questions one was about their convictions. In this survey I treate of knowing more about such convictions. If there is a number of answers the survey could be published. I will inform about this extreme in due time in this foro.
I do not believe but really do not wish to categorize myself, certainly not as atheist. The term expresses a relation to religion, which perceives it in the wrong way. For me, determining my position in such a fashion is like connecting an elephant to a hawk and saying one flies while the other could, given its ears. The known and impossible expressed as a single opposed paradigm! We need new terms to acknowledge the actuality of a singularity of knowledge now that we no longer use humanism.
Dear Stanley, one appreciates the beauty of religion (at least the Catholic mine) when one believes as a child and practice as a child with faith. Other complications do not help to one. Thank you for your participation.
Thanks, Mariano, but for me truth is beauty (as the poet said), and although there is beauty, tinselly and glistening, in religion there is little truth.
Better to have put 'None' as atheism (which I don't use for myself) does not indicate the independence for someone to whom religion is simply twaddle. As already said, atheism implies a relationship to religion of which I and many who had spoken here do not have.
I think Atheism is the distintive of who do not believe in God as respectable divinity. This does not have relation with any religion, but with none of them. Thank you for participation.
When one believes in a religion if for having found in it answers which help to his life or to his thought. None is free of rejecting helps here because the precariety of this life which has an end in this World. Say that in religion there is few truth is to unknow to God who loves the truth and the man.
Although born in a upper caste traditional Hindu family of India, I am against religion because it divides us into Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Sikhs, Jains, Zoroastrians etc etc. I strongly believe in one religion that is HUMANITY. Therefore, my principle does not allow me to participate in this survey.
Thank you, Arvind. I think that Hindu religion does not prohibit to participate in a survey of beliefs. Humanism is to love to others cooperating with them with sincere support.
I agree with Arvind Singh , let's have survey to unite people not divide them. Humanity has enough problems and it is time to realize that we share the same future. Many of those who claim that they don't believe in God because they are not convinced about the picture of God given by some people who claim to represent. It is needed to make a difference between Faith and religion. My belief is that our mind is too small to reach the Greatness of God. Only God knows God. He created So Beautifully the universe with His Divide Science and stays invisible like air.
Dear Jasna and Zin, yes, I consider this foro to put our thoughts about this Survey; and as I think, who can unite us but the only man who resurrected forever? Jesus is the person who can attract to all sincere people to a sincere union and communion with Him. This is my viewpoint and I respect other beliefs as I ask the same respect to my beliefs. Thank you for your participation in this survey.
Dear Prof. Mariano, his abnegation on the subject is admirable, as well as other questions about life and religion.
Surely everything that does us good and does not harm our neighbor, will be something beneficial, in its results. We await the information at the end of the study! Greetings!
In the survey , I identify my belief as catholic. But I do not believe that all catholic have the same belief. I have my own beliefs. The survey is done as if catholics have all the same belief. I come to my belief through maturation and reflexion. I stopped litteral belief at the age when I stopped believing in Santa Clauss.
I did answer, Freedom is much higher than religion. Every religion is good but many religious people misuse their religion that is why I am doubtful most of all religious people towards their religion,
I will inform about publication of results of this survey in due time in this foro.
Dear Jasna, the completed answer is unique for each personal computer.
Dear Subhash, religion religues us to our Creator, in who we are, move and exist; it is impossible to live out of His power. He likes our freedom and we should like his will of truth and love.
Ya participé Mariano. Aunque esta no es una encuesta probabilística sino una encuesta de voluntarios entre los invitados por ti, puede aportar información para conocer como opinan los lectores de tus preguntas y de ese modo facilitarte un diálogo más efectivo con los demás. Espero que la información reunida sea muy útil.
I already participated Mariano. Although this is not a probabilistic survey but a survey of volunteers among those invited by you, it can provide information to know how thinks the readers of your questions and then facilitate a more effective dialogue with others. I hope the information gathered were very useful.
Faith is far more important than religion. Most people have the religion of their parents. Do you think it is enough to deserve Paradise? God says in the Quaran" those who have good Heart ". Faith is from the heart and those who do good actions et refuse bad actions are those who have good Heart and faith in God even if they don't know because is much deeper et much more difficult than just following a religion.