I have grided data sets of monthly average upper air temperature, geopotential height, relative humidity, wind speeds(on 1000-200hPa levels) and i wish to investigate trends, normals high,low, thickness, atmospheric stability, long shortwaves etc.

What i can do:

(1) Use monthly average climatic variables but how can i predict my requirements from past 30 years data set?

(2) Other option is to convert my data set into annul average datasets? and then do these analysis

Problem in option 1 is dealing with monthly avergae data set on 8 different pressure levels of 30 years it  will be trouble some for me as there will be a lot of maps will form for each month of 30 year, difficult to place them in research

Problem in option 2 , there are different definitions of annual average , some  authors nerate it is just average of each month in a year( jan+feb...dec/12) while others write yearly average climatic variable is average of high and low value of variable appear in a year?

My grid consist on 64 locations, i am confuse which strategy will be fine for my research? Guide me with literature

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