Hi, I am working on a model for fish weight loss. I have 8000 data points on weight loss at Customer level nested in Market nested in Area. Information on species is also there; species varies across season (month), and market. Weightloss is also a function of weight ordered; which varies acroos customer, market and area (nested). My plan is to use Structural Equation Modelling: Mixed Effect Multilevel model using Species, Markets, Month as factor variables. I am not sure if I can use market and area as a latent variable as well as a factor variable. Ideas and suggestions are welcome.

gsem (wo  i.s i.mn i.mk i.a i.s#i.mk i.s#i.mn i.mn#i.mk M2[c] M2[w] M1[w]-> wl, family(gaussian) link(identity)) ( i.s i.mn i.mk i.a i.s#i.mk i.s#i.mn i.mn#i.mk M2[c] M2[w] M1[w]-> wo, family(gaussian) link(identity))

wo- weight order, wl- weight loss, a-area, mk- market, mn-month, w- week,  #-interaction, M...[] multilevel variables.

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