if F is a real valued injective functionF: F:[0,1] to [0,1]
1. F is midpoint convex
2. F is strictly monotone increasing
3. F(0)=0 and F(1)=1
Is F convex and continuous.?
See attached article 'convexity is equivalent to midpoint convexity under strict quasi convexity'.
(1)'Strict quasi convexity,' I presume is implied by strict monotone increasing--ness . I think that the author is working with old definition of semi-strict quasi-convexity (as strict quasi convexity now defined implies both semi-strict quasi convexity and quasi convexity and I believe strict monotone increasing implies the concave counterparts as well)?
However, its not clear whether the article (well It might, i just may not understand it) specify whether it allows for the case where the co-domain of the function is closed or bounded.
(2)Moreover, the result in the attached article, allows for the case where the domain can be closed and bounded as opposed to open(its a stronger result) or an improvement on an earlier result, which only used quasi convexity and for open domains.
(3)However, the attached article, does say that the domain of F must be also be a convex subset of a 'Not Necessarily normed '(general) real linear space. I am not sure what other properties such function have?
See the first page of attached article