I have done crosses in three populations, selfed the F1s to F2s now wanted to check whether there is foreign pollen. I bulked the F2 seeds and genotyped both parents with the F2s. I used 12 SSR panels with approximately 90 markers in total. Out of the 90 only 36 worked, as in worked in all the samples. For one population only 6 SSRs worked and I could derive the F2 alleles properly. However, in the other population only 18 markers worked and only two markers indicated alleles not present in the parental lines. In the last population, 28 out of 36 worked whereby only 3 SSRs indicated alleles that couldn't be traced to the parental lines. I want to know how best to analyse these results. This is a QC attempt to see whether the bulked F2 seed is not contaminated. To bulk, I planted out 20 seeds and mixed the leaf discs when tissue harvesting.

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